
Thursday, June 7, 2012

“Looking Down in Love”

Lori Bohman is a wife to Eric and mother to four daughters, Erica, Deborah, Heidi, and Julia. Her family have served as  BIMI missionaries in Africa since 1992. This year Eric has assumed the position of Africa Director. I've personally known Lori and her family since we arrived in Kenya in 1995. They are a godly family with a heart to serve the Lord. 

“For His eyes  are upon the ways of man, and He seeth
 all his goings.”  (Job 34:21)

We all know the children’s song “Oh, be careful little eyes what you see....for the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little eyes what you see.”  It is good to be reminded of the fact that God is watching us, yet many times, we think of Him as looking at us in a judgmental, critical way.  We imagine that He is waiting for us to make one bad move so He can punish us; yet it isn’t that way at all.  He is looking down on us in love!   

I like to remind my daughters that God sees them when they have resisted temptation, shown self control, or overcome a sin, and He is pleased.   This concept is not just for children; we as ladies need to remember that God is cheering us on when we have made the right choices and resisted the wrong thoughts, applauding us for steering clear of temptation. He is watching us and wanting to reward and bless us, as well. 

II Chronicles 16:9 says, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth [why?] to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him...”  God wants to show Himself STRONG in your life today! He wants to do something great and mighty for you!  He is looking for a chance to bless us, an opportunity to meet our needs and answer our prayers.....but....we must have a heart that is ready to receive His blessings. 

As God looks down on us in love, is He pleased with what He sees?  Does He smile on our conversations with others?  Does He approve of the way we respond to our husband, the tone of voice we use with our children, the personal choices we make each day?

What a loving Father we have Who is eager and waiting to bless us!  He is watching us in love!

Proverbs 15:3 reminds us that, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”  This verse encourages me in knowing that God sees the good I do when no one else does.  As we serve the Lord, sometimes in remote places, it is easy to think that no one sees or cares.  How wonderful that God takes time to watch us and to care about our happenings throughout the day!  There is not a moment when He is not attentive to our needs.  He sees! He knows!

May the things we do today and the thoughts we think bring a smile to our Savior’s face as He looks down on us with eyes of unconditional love!

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