
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tagine....Or The Best Thing You've Ever Put In Your Mouth!

Tagine....have you ever heard of it? More importantly, have you ever tasted it?
Actually, there are many kinds of tagine and they are all good! But today I'm going to share with you this recipe for beef {or lamb} tagine.
This is a recipe from a missionary mama in Morocco! They are in a hard place, but even hard places have there blessings!
The recipe may look like it has a strange mixture of spices, but TRUST me, this is so unbelieveably good! Try it!!!!

Beef {or Lamb} Tagine

Spice Mix:
2 lbs. beef or lamb, cubed
1 lg. red onion, chopped
2-4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. turmeric OR a pinch of saffron
1/2 tsp.ground ginger
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley OR 2 tsp. dried parsley
1 beef bouillon cube
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. salt
1/4 c. olive oil

Vegetables {1-2 cups each, according to preference}
green beans
fresh or frozen peas
carrots, chopped
cauliflower, chopped

2 tomatoes, grated (grate the entire thing, the peel will separate)

Heat oil in large skillet on medium heat. Saute all ingredients {listed in spice mix} in oil until onion is tender.
Add two cups water and simmer just until meat is tender, but not mushy, approximately ten minutes.
Add your choice of vegetables.
Add the two grated tomatoes.
Cook for 20-30 minutes on medium heat, checking to make sure meat is done and letting the liquid reduce to a sauce-like consistency.
Serve with pita bread for scooping!
Makes 6-8 servings, depending on the amount of vegetables added.
Also makes great leftovers!

And no, you don't have to have a cool tagine pot like mine, but if you do, it makes this extra fun!

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