
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Breakfast Time: Buttery Pancake Syrup

Last week I wrote a play-by-play of my day with a newborn on my personal blog. Included was the above photo of me making pancake syrup. Somebody asked about my recipe, and I realized that I'd not yet posted it on here. I guess I just thought everybody had a recipe....silly me!
The best thing about this recipe? Anybody anywhere can make it with what they have available ~ it is THAT adaptable.
Trying to stay away from refined sugars? We can make it that way, too! Just read and see!

Buttery Pancake Syrup

1 c. water
2 1/3 c. brown sugar/demarera/Rapadura/sucanat/jaggery {none of those available? mix 1 c. sugar with 1 tsp. molasses for each cup needed}
1/3 c. corn syrup ~ this is optional, but it does help to thicken the syrup {none available? try Maria's recipe OR boil 2 c. white sugar with 1 c. water for 3 minutes}
2 Tbsp. butter OR margarine
dash of salt
1/4 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. maple extract (optional)

Place all ingredients except extracts in heavy saucepan.
Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until mixture begins to foam.
Boil 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and stir in extract(s).
Cool slightly before serving.
Refrigerate leftovers.
Warm before serving.



  1. Thanks! I don't have a good recipe! Will try it!

  2. Amazing! I had never heard of some of those ingredients. I make my own, too, but this is great! Thanks for sharing!


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