
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cracker Candy

Today I am sharing a recipe you definitely want to write down and add to your collection of holiday recipes!

If you love toffee, you will love Cracker Candy!


1 cup of real butter (no substitution)

1 cup brown sugar

Large package of chocolate chips (or on the mission field, I use chopped up plain dark chocolate candy bars!)

Chopped salted peanuts


Line a medium cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Grease well with vegetable oil. Put one layer of saltine crackers on the foil.

Melt butter in saucepan. Add brown sugar and bring to a boil. Boil for two minutes, then spoon mixture over the crackers.  

Bake at 350 degrees F/180 degrees C for five minutes. The entire surface will be bubbling evenly.

Remove from the oven and sprinkle chocolate chips or pieces evenly over the top. When the chocolate is melted, spread smooth with a knife. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top. Cool in refrigerator. When completely cool, break into pieces and serve.

**Christmas version - Use white chocolate and top with chopped peppermint candies!


  1. Yumm! This looks so good! I'm going to have to find real butter right away. I did find a version of saltines here!

  2. Yeah! Let me know how it turns out! It is yummy and very addictive!

  3. My 11 yo daughter made these yesterday... Yum! We had to sub the crackers with a cookie because I didn't have the crackers on hand. I bought some last night though. We will try again with the crackers. Thanks for the recipe! It's a keeper!

    1. Oh, good! Yes, with a denser cookie they would be too rich. They are a little rich but that helps you to not pig out on them! Well, helps a little! ;)

  4. Hi sister, my name is Camille Elam and also a missionary in Russia. Novosibirsk. I saw this blog and your recipe that I just love. Another missionary wife here makes it too. Sister Debbie Lukyanov (you may know her). Anyways, are you able to find saltines where you live or do you get them shipped in? I need to look at some of our bigger grocery store, we may find them. And they may be expensive!! Do you have an alternate?
    God bless you and the work over there. I do ready your blog often.


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