
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Pizza Dough Recipe

A good pizza dough recipe is sometimes hard to find. I have used this one for years now and have been very pleased with it for making thin or thick crust pizzas and stromboli.


2 pkgs. yeast (4 1/2 tsp. or 1/2 oz.)

2 tsp. sugar

4 cups of flour or more

1 tsp. salt

1/4 cup olive oil

1 1/2 cup water


Combine the yeast and sugar in a small ceramic or glass bowl (metal kills yeast). Add 1/2 cup of water (100 degrees F - 110 degrees F). Mix well with a wooden spoon. Wait about 5 minutes.

In a medium to large size mixing bowl add flour, salt, olive oil, 1 cup warm water and yeast mix. Mix with fork to absorb all liquid with flour.

Knead on floured surface for 8-10 minutes until smooth and uniform. 

Place in bowl and drizzle with olive oil. Cover with cloth and place in draft free area. Let rise for one hour**.
Punch down and wait 45 minutes for dough to be ready.

**In a pinch I have allowed this dough to rise for only 30 minutes. It was fine but always better to give it the full time.

Top with desired toppings and bake until golden brown.
 (Makes enough dough for 2-3 pizzas depending on desired thickness.)

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