
Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year from BMW!

Happy New Year from all of us here at Baptist Missionary Women!

This has been a wonderful year for our blog, we have many new readers due to so many of you sharing our posts on facebook.  Thank you!  

You have been with us during our good times, during our sad times, during our difficult times, during our failures, during our shaky times, during our blog hops, and during our giveaways, during all our baking and cooking, you've gone to church with us and you've been in the Word with us!  We hope you have enjoyed reading as much as we have enjoyed writing.

What's in store for 2016?  It's a new year, and I'm a list person, so how about a list of what you can expect this year?!!

  • Our regular contributors are back!  Carole, Amy, Dee Dee, Charity, Lou Ann, and me (Jen)!
  • More great recipes, more peaks into our homes and churches, more Scripture photography, more devotionals, more blog hops, more giveaways, and more of what you've come to love about BMW.
  • Some new BMW contributors!  
  • Topics for single missionary women, married missionary women, a day in the life of... , homeschooling on the mission field, insight from missionaries just new on the field and insight from veteran missionaries, and so, so much more!
  • And a new, updated look for the blog
Am I missing something you would like to see here on the BMW blog?  Leave us a comment.  We aim to please!

We are planning and expecting great things for 2016!
Thanks for being a part of our lives!

To God be the Glory!!


  1. I'm really looking forward to to 2016 with you wonderful ladies!! I get so happy when I open my email and see a new post. One thing I would really like to see more of is prayer requests from you ladies. I'm a full time caretaker for my dad and I'm blessed to have opportunity to get on my knees before the Lord much more than other seasons during my life. It is my honor and pleasure to pray for you all. May the Lord continue to bless you all, your families and ministries in 2016!

  2. Despite the fact that I'm neither a missionary wife nor a Baptist (we're PCA), I LOVE your blog! I've been an "armchair missionary" for years and love reading about your adventures!


We appreciate you taking the time to stop and leave a comment, but please remember to be kind!