
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tummy Tickling Thursday

We live in a third world culture in Asia. For every missionary, the culture they will move to, and adapt to will be different. Some move to places with sky scrapers and a grander life than they knew in the states. Others will find themselves in a country that may look as modern as their home country, but lacks some of the things and ingredients they were raised with. Others will find themselves tucked away in a small village somewhere, where they cook over a fire and maybe even grow their own vegetables and slaughter their own animals. Every country is different and every country proposes its own cooking challenges.
We find ourselves in a city of approximately 5-6 million people. You won't see many buildings over 5 stories, though there are some. We have Internet, running water and indoor plumbing but in general most people live very simple lives. Even those with money, aren't generally found sitting in the "Western view" of luxury. They love food immensely and they do cook with many, many ingredients. Their lives, like most cultures, also revolve around food and family. Their food is a close reflection of Indian food, with their own personal twist. It is very yummy.
All that being said when it comes to cooking in our home, although are pallets have definitely been influenced by Asain flavors and spices, I still cook like an American in many ways. As most will attest from living in third world cultures, cooking takes a good amount of time and energy. a momma of two children 3 and under with plenty of duties on her plate, I am always stoked to find a yummy and farely quick recipe. Now beware, quick in a third world culture will never be a 10 minute meal! Even at a restaurant:)
Hence, my excitement when I recently found this recipe. It is definitely Asian and I'm hoping many of y'all have the ingredients in your own towns.
Sweet Thai Chicken
I was a week out of an emergency appendectomy and still moving a little slow. It was my first meal to fix on my own and I was looking for something I could throw together without much toiling in the kitchen. I found this recipe and I was pleased with the ease of it and also my husband was quite pleased with the taste! That makes one happy momma.

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