
Friday, March 11, 2016

Ask the MK... Friday Edition

It's our final day of Ask the MK! And this question is a little more... deep.

MK Spirit Week,
we here at the BMW Blog have decided to ask MKs some questions. And the fun part? They may also be rewarded for taking the time to share their answers!

Two randomly selected MKs who respond will receive a $10 Amazon electronic gift card.

So here's today's question:

If you could encourage your missionary parents right now, what would you say to them?


Please leave your answer in a comment below, and include your name, age, and country or region of service.

Sponsors for today's gift cards:

The Wesner Family
(Thank you for loving on our MKs!)


To be eligible to win the gift card, we must be able to verify you are in fact a bona fide, true, honest, for real Baptist Missionary Woman's missionary kid, currently living with your parents either on the field, on deputation, or on a temporary furlough.

The deadline to respond is Saturday, March 12th.

The winners will be announced March 14th right here on the blog.


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  5. Micah Guay 14 Thailand
    I would tell them that no matter how seemingly little they feel like their works accomplish, God can see the bigger picture and He knows what great things will come from all their hard work on the mission field.

  6. Ganbatte. Japanese for keep it up or keep going. Even if there isn't results cause God asks of us to be faithful.
    Malachi Minks 14 Japan

  7. Victoria Minks, 18, Japan

    Dear Daddy and Mama,
    Thank you so much for your keep-at-it-ness! I'm so blessed to be an MK in Japan and raised by godly parents.Thank you for having the courage to start a Christian family and keep our family rooted in the Lord. We kids will continue with that legacy, Lord willing!
    I know sometimes it seems like nothing is happening and that nothing ever will, but I pray that you will stay strong and faithful. God's Word will not come back void. The people here in Hokkaido need to hear the gospel--thank you for stepping up to follow God's call and do it. :)

  8. Emma Sinclair, 11, Cameroon West Africa
    "I know sometimes its frustrating to live in Africa, but it is worth it because we are living for the Lord and not ourselves."

  9. Faith Ann Sinclair, 9, Cameroon West Africa
    "You're the best parents in the entire world!"

  10. Drew Sinclair, 15, Cameroon West Africa
    I would tell my Dad, "Dad, I really like your messages. Keep on preaching so other people can get saved."

  11. Madisyn Lien, 15, Indonesia
    "Thank you for being strong even in difficult times. You are amazing role models!"

  12. Abigail Petersen 14 yrs. Uganda
    I would tell them that they are super amazing parents and that I love them like crazy because sometimes they worry that they aren't doing enough or they aren't very good parents. I would tell them that even though they aren't perfect that they are still doing an amazing job of being parents and serving the Lord.

  13. Shae-Lynn Stensaas. Uganda: "You are doing an amazing work. Even though you have a lot to do, you always seem to find the time for us, and I thank you for that. We are always praying for you. I love you."

    Shiloh Stensaas. Uganda: "You are doing a great job. Keep holding on."

    Savannah Stensaas. Uganda: "What can I do for you?"

    Skyler Stensaas. Uganda: "You are doing a good job. You are the best parents in the whole wide world."

    Stanley Stensaas. Uganda: "I love you. You are great teachers. Although you may not see the product of your work, it is there. No matter what you go through, we will always be there for you."

  14. Dad and Mom, even though the ministry is difficult and tiring and it seems that so few people are even interested, don't give up. Y'all have faithfully served here these past fifteen years even through great trials, and I know that God still has so much work for you here. So keep on serving God, and trust Him to bring in the increase. Never forget 1 Thessalonians 5:24, "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." In addition, thank you for raising me as an MK. Being an MK has taught me so much, but most importantly it has taught me how important it is to serve God during the good times and the bad times. I love y'all.
    Elisabeth Guay, 20, Thailand

  15. Nathanael 11
    Keep trying! God has a perfect plan for us!

  16. Ethaen LeClercq 10
    Keep going, even thought it is hard. We are LeClercqs we don't quit!

  17. Abby, SE Asia--You are teaching people about Christ. Good job.

    Jason, SE Asia--You are serving God.

    Paul, SE Asia--You are being loving to the Lord.

  18. Elijah, 18, Thailand

    It is your job to just sow and pray for your seeds to grow. God in His time can convict the people and bring them to Him. So trust God for the increase. Just plant the seeds of the Gospel, water them with your Christ-like example, and pray for God to make the plants to grow. God definitely will make them grow according to Psalms 126:6, "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seeds, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him."

  19. When God is in control nothing is impossible. We are here to serve the Lord and to live for Him and not our selves.

  20. Esther,12,Lithuania
    Don't give up! Times can be tough but with God you can get through anything. I will always be there for you. :)

  21. Timothy Doan, 16, Lithuania

    Take Pain Meds.

  22. Micah Doan, 14 Lithuania

    Your awesome and i couldn't have asked for more spiritual and loving parents.

  23. I would give them a big hug and tell them that I love them.
    Julianna Schepers, 16, Domincan Republic

  24. Michaela W. Southern Asia (12)

    If I wanted to encourage my parents I would say that I would not be here without them.

  25. Darren Tharp - Age 10 - Ireland
    The Irish people are always polite and usually won't turn us down. So, we can trust that lots of people might come to Bible study.

  26. Katie Tharp - Age 8 - Ireland
    You're the best parents and missionaries I know and you are very successful!

  27. Luke Smith, 13, Estonia
    Your work has not been in vain. Because of you, I want to serve the Lord.

  28. Christopher (14) - That another missionary family will be here soon to help us in the ministry and that pop-pop is coming here to help us in the boat ministry.

    Anna (13) - We love you! We are here to help you in the ministry! Although there are bad times there are also good times!!!

    Emilia (10) -If my parents were tired and if they were worried about the ministry. I would say "don’t worry God is here to help us with the ministry!"

    Jonathan (8) - The boat will be here soon for our boat ministry!

    Mattaliina (4) - I would get them some iced tea.

  29. Clara, 8, Argentina

    Keep on preaching and teaching. You are doing a good job already. I love you!

  30. Ethan, 6, Argentina

    I love you very much and I will give you lots of hugs and kisses.

  31. Alyssa Pratt, 16, India
    Naomi, 15
    Melody, 13
    Ethan, 11
    Kara, 6
    Dear mom and dad,
    We have been through a lot together and sometimes it feels like we should just give up. Thanks for never giving up.. We love you!!! We are always praying for you.

  32. Kathleen 17 in Ukraine says, Never give up, never surrender.
    Daniel 13 in Ukraine says Keep on keeping on.
    Nathaniel 15 in Ukraine says Spend time with your kids.

  33. Naomi Siekbert•17•Ghana,West Africa
    ~I would tell them that even though it doesn't seem like they're doing much now when they look back on all the years and work they've accomplished it'll bring them and others joy(it already has)! Also that they should never give up even in their hardest trials and when they feel like going home and just quitting, and are discouraged. Also when they get to heaven Christ is going to tell them "Well done my faithful servant" and they're going to have a lot of people thanking them for telling them about Christ one day, and that's what should keep them going! I ❤️ U!~

  34. Kyndall (15) Germany
    I would tell my parents, " I love you and so does God. He's brought you this far so He won't give up on you now. Just take a breather, pray, and drink some coffee. :) God will give you wisdom in making the right decisions. You'll make it though."

  35. Kortney (7) Germany
    I would encourage my parents to go to Disney World early & to let me go to Camp Sagmot.

  36. Daniel Petersen, 16, Uganda

    I would wrap my arm around their shoulder and tell them, "You've got this." Then I would try to make them laugh. :)

  37. Isaac - 9
    Excellent Job

    Ethan - 8
    I have loved you all these years! And hope we go to the mission field soon.

    Landon -7
    Best parents in the world

    The Guenther's
    New Zealand

  38. Ben W., 16, Southern Asia...

    Just a simple "I love you" followed up by a hug. Usually a hug makes you feel better. I have never known anyone not feel better after a hug.

  39. Zebulun Minks, 6yrs,. Japan
    I would hug them and tell them "I love you!".

  40. God has a perfect plan and even though we can't see a bunch of results you are making a difference. Thank you for loving us and loving the Japanese people! You are the best parents I could ever want! I love you! 
    Abigail Minks, 17yrs., Japan

  41. I would tell them I love them, I am praying for them, and they are GREAT parents!

  42. Emma Benefield,13,Cambodia

    I would say,"I love you so much and I'm proud that you are my parents.Thank you for never giving up and going home. You're faith and trust in Christ amazes me. I'm so grateful to be in this family and I strive to be like you. I love you!".

  43. Caleb Winkler (9), Estonia

    You are good parents and I love you.

  44. Deborah Benefield,15,Cambodia
    I would say " I'm so proud of you because you have never given up . You've been missionaries here for fifteen years , and , in spite of all the trials and tears and frustrations , you're still here ! I have no doubt that , at the end of your lives , you will be able to say ' I have fought a good fight , I've finished my course , I've kept the faith ' . You are such a blessing and a good example to me . I thank God for such amazing parents . I love you more than anything ! "

  45. Daniel Winkler (16), Estonia

    I would give them a hug, tell them I love them, and I would see what I could do to be a blessing to them.

  46. Candace Benefield, 16, Cambodia

    I would tell them that I love them and I would tell them that I'm proud to have them as my parents because no matter how frustrated or discouraged they are ,they never stop trying to win souls to the Lord because they know that they are doing God's will for their life. I hope I grow up to be like them.

  47. Seth Benefield, 6, Cambodia
    I love you, mommy and daddy. And I will think about your kindness to me every day and every night.

    Stephen Benefield, 10, Cambodia
    You are the best mom and dad in the world.

    Gabby Benefield, 7, Cambodia
    I love my mommy because she makes me food every day and night except for Friday, and my daddy buys food on Friday nights. I love my parents.

  48. Andrew Winkler (15), Estonia

    I'm thankful that I have you as Christian parents and that you love to serve the Lord.

  49. Kate Sinclair, 13, Cameroon Africa
    "Mom, don't be overly concerned with your weight. It's just a number."

  50. Sarah Winkler (13), Estonia

    For my mom, I would make her some hot tea, rub her shoulders, and tell her I love her.

    For my dad, I would tell him that God had a purpose for us here and that I love him.


We appreciate you taking the time to stop and leave a comment, but please remember to be kind!