
Monday, March 7, 2016

Ask the MK... Monday Edition

It's no secret that the ladies of the BMW Blog love MKs (missionary kids!)

 And we love hearing from them, too!

Time for...

MK Spirit Week,
we here at the BMW Blog have decided to ask MKs some questions. And the fun part? They may also be rewarded for taking the time to share their answers!

Two randomly selected MKs who respond will receive a $10 Amazon electronic gift card.

So here's today's question:

What has been the most exciting thing
for you since you have been
on the field or on deputation?
What has been the most frustrating thing?


Please leave your answer in a comment below, and include your name, age, and country or region of service.

Sponsors for today's gift cards:

New Life Baptist Church

(Thank you for loving on our MKs!)


To be eligible to win the gift card, we must be able to verify you are in fact a bona fide, true, honest, for real Baptist Missionary Woman's missionary kid, currently living with your parents either on the field, on deputation, or on a temporary furlough.

The deadline to respond is Saturday, March 12th.

The winners will be announced March 14th right here on the blog.


  1. Gabriel W., Southern Asia...
    The most exciting thing has been when we invented the dog tag game to play with our dogs.

    The most frustrating thing was the border blockade.

  2. Michaela W., Southern Asia...
    The most Frustrating and scary thing we went through was the EARTHQUAKE But God was merciful and protected us through it all.

    The most exciting thing that we have been through was definitely was getting on the plane. It was thrilling, but scary. we were leaving the Only place we knew as home.

  3. Nathanael from Guam says...
    The most exciting thing about living on our island is going swimming in the ocean.

    The most frustrating thing about living on our island was leaving all my friends in the states.

  4. Ethaen from Guam says...

    The most exciting thing about living on Guam is seeing how cool the ocean is.

    The most frustrating thing is being away from my family and not being able to do the exciting things on Guam with them.

  5. Ben W., Southern Asia...

    The most frustrating thing I have dealt with as an MK has most definitely been our Internet. I know, some places don't even have Internet, so who am I to gripe? Although thats all true, I was told I had to complain about something to you, so here it is.

    Our Internet here is sketchy. Sometimes it works fine, stays fast, and causes no problems whatsoever. Some days aren't so luxurious, though. On those days, it will not work well, be unbearably slow, and cut out every few minutes. It may seem selfish, or petty, or pitiful, but when everyone you know is on the other side of the world from you (like, just about all of us), you become fond of things that connect you to friends and family.

  6. Kathrynn(7) from Guam says....

    Going on family adventures is the most exciting thing on Guam.

    Most frustrating thing is getting stung by a sea urchin.

  7. The most exciting thing was probably riding on an airplane for the first time to come to Thailand. I was only 4 when my family came to Thailand, and I definitely thought it was a great adventure. In addition, I was excited to finally live in a house because I pretty much only remembered living in a van!
    The most frustrating thing is being different. Wherever I go in Thailand, I always stand out with white skin, brown hair, blue eyes, and a long nose. Even with nearly perfect Thai, people are still scared to talk to me because of how I look.
    -Elisabeth Guay, 20, Thailand

  8. The most exciting thing was our first time going on an airplane to get to Africa!

    The most frustrating is not having hot water for showers.

    Lydia Benson, 9, Cameroon, Africa

  9. The most exciting thing for me is making new friends. Especially with other MK's.

    The most frustrating is when the power goes off, especially at night.

    Ruth Benson, 8, Cameroon, Africa

  10. The most exciting thing for me is being with my family.

    Not being close to my cousins is my most frustrating.

    Faith Benson, 6, Cameroon, Africa

  11. (Just so you all know, my children are participating, but they will not be eligible for the prizes... after all, we are drawing the names of the winners! ;-) They still want to participate just because it's fun! Daddy and I will be rewarding them for being willing to be the guinea pigs! )

  12. The Most Exciting Thing Since being on the field: Well I've been in Japan since I was 3, and on deputation before that, so that's pretty much my whole life, so I'd have to say one of the most exciting things for me is when new missionaries come to Japan (specifically to Hokkaido, our island). It's happened twice since we've been on this island and it's always a blessing and encouragement.

    The Most Frustrating Thing On the Mission Field: Having super close lifelong friends that I've only seen a couple times! :( Our memories primarily involve Skype. :P

    Victoria from Hokkaido Japan

  13. Abigail Petersen 14 yr. Uganda, East Africa
    There are quite a few things that can be frustrating, but being an MK is also a huge blessing. One frustrating thing is finding neat ideas(crafts, etc.) on the internet that we don't have materials for and aren't available to us. I am so incredibly blessed, though, and one of the most exciting things that has happened here was when I was very young. We went to a game park, and we were staying at a little "hut" called a Banda. It is a bit foggy in my mind, but I still remember an elephant walking up to the water tank outside the Banda and turning on the faucet with his trunk. After "bathing" himself, he proceeded to walk to the back of th little house and grab my travel bag that was still on the porch from where I had been coloring earlier. He took crayons, coloring books, got the bag in the mud, and even ate a small stuffed animal! Not that I was too happy about it, but it was quite exciting!

  14. Some of my more exciting experiences would have to be getting Christmas boxes from my Grandmother. One of the more frustrating things I face as a MK is remembering American manners when I am in America.

    Elijah Guay, 18 yr., Thailand

  15. Micah Guay 14 yr. Thailand
    I've been a MK my entire life, so I haven't had any frustration about leaving my "so called" home(America) or any thing like that. But one thing I found quite frustrating was one year when we had to leave the country every three months.
    I thought that my most exciting thing was when we had a wild fire behind our house, and the fire department had to drag a water hose through our house to put out the fire behind our house. But thank God that the fire did not spread to our house.

  16. The most frustrating thing is not being able to speak the language as well as I'd like to. One of the most exciting thanks is to see a Japanese Christian.
    10yrs. old Josiah Minks in Hokkaido, Japan

  17. The most exciting thing being on the field is...
    Probably flying back to Japan after being on furlough for a year!
    I was born in Japan and have lived all my life here (excluding 2 furloughs) so America seems a bit foreign. :)

    The most frustrating thing is...
    Not always being able to express what I want to say in Japanese!(Always more to learn!)

    Malachi Minks 14, Hokkaido Japan.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The most exciting thing for me was when we got back to Japan from furlough. I really enjoyed furlough, but I was so excited to be back that I was shivering. :D
    The most frustrating thing is when people think they don't need salvation.
    Abigail Minks 17yrs., Japan

  20. Daniel Petersen,16, Uganda, East Africa
    The most exciting thing about living in Africa is being able to grow up in a country half way across the world from where I was born. Also having great MK friends that I would never have met if we weren't here.
    The most frustrating thing is that usually bazungu (white people) have to pay a higher price for goods on the street.

  21. Juliana age 15, France

    Most interesting thing: playing ping pong in a club

    Most annoying thing: being around grumpy people all the time :(

  22. Darren Tharp - Age 10 - Ireland
    Most Exciting
    The yummy donuts and treats along the way on deputation as well as the big feasts in churches!

    Most frustrating
    The long, long drives in the middle of nowhere.

  23. Katie Tharp - Age 8 - Ireland

    Most Exciting
    Getting a new best friend - Hannah!

    Most Frustrating
    Saying goodbye to friends and relatives.

  24. Deborah Benefield, 15, Cambodia
    The most exciting thing has been the recent opportunity to learn Cambodian Sign Language. One of my sisters and my dad and I took a class which we just loved, and now we are teaching what we have learned to a deaf lady in our church and her hearing husband.

    The most frustrating thing has been developing friendships with the girls in our church only to have them move away or drop out of church.

  25. Clara, 8, Argentina

    The most exciting thing I have done here is climb to the top of a mountain!

    The most frustrating thing was waiting in lines to do paperwork.

  26. Ethan, 6, Argentina

    The most exciting thing about Mendoza is exploring all the parks.

    The most frustrating thing is that we need a new house.

  27. Brenna, 3, Argentina

    The most exciting thing was when Grandpa and Grandma came to visit!

    The most frustrating thing is when our roof leaks.

  28. Emerald Grace Benefield, 13 (very nearly 14), Cambodia
    The most exciting thing was 2 years ago when we got to host a medical clinic at our church. A medical team came from the states and each of us had a special job to do as we treated over 800 patients and shared the Gospel with them. Learning sign language was also very exciting.

    The most frustrating thing is that people always stare at us and pinch our cheeks.

  29. Seth Benefield, 6, Cambodia
    The most frustrating thing is there is traffic jams.

    The most exciting thing is every Wednesday morning we get to go to homeschool chapel and get a Coke afterwards.

  30. Candace Benefield, 16, Cambodia
    One exciting thing about living in Cambodia is that monkeys come through the neighborhood just about every morning. They come across rooftops, and since we live on the second floor, we get a great view. Sometimes they come on our porch and everyone has to run inside, because they are somewhat aggressive and they bite. Since our front porch is also our school room, when we go inside and surrender the porch to the monkeys, sometimes they steal things. Once a monkey took off with my hot pink ear buds!

    A frustrating thing in Cambodia is that many of the people are very blunt in the things that they say about you, especially if they have never met you and assume you don't understand Khmer.

  31. Gabriella Faith Benefield, 7, Cambodia
    The most exciting thing was when my grandpa and grandma came for a visit. Going swimming at the White Elephant Hotel was really exciting too!

    The most frustrating thing is when the power goes out at night and it's pitch black dark and I'm scared out of my mind!

  32. Stephen Benefield, 10, Cambodia
    The most exciting thing is when I get to go somewhere with my dad and we ride his moto.

    The most frustrating thing about living in Cambodia is that when we are doing our school work, there is so much noise like street vendors calling and monks chanting in the temples.

  33. Timothy Sterling, 12, Russia
    The most exciting: when I got saved.

    The most frustrating: not being able to speak Russian as well as I'd like to.

  34. One of the many exciting things that I enjoy doing is going geocaching in the summer.

    I would say the most frustrating is the fact that we have to leave friends and family behind in the U.S.

  35. Micah Doan 14, Lithuania
    The most exiting thing that has happened to me sense I have been on the field is making new friends and playing in the snow because I am a Floridian and as most people now it does not snow in Florida.

    The most frustrating thing is not being able to learn the language< so i can't speak to Lithuanians that easy,so that is very frustrating.

  36. Beka Sterling, 18, Russia
    The most exciting: traveling to different countries as a missionary coming and going to and from the field.

    The most frustrating thing: Inviting people to church only to have them say they will come but, they don't.

  37. One interesting thing is that we sometimes have to do school underneath our drying clothes because it is raining outside and we have to hang our clothes all over the house. Madelyn Peart, 15, Haiti

  38. Naomi Siekbert• 17•Ghana,Africa

    The most exciting thing is seeing a Ghanain faces light up when they get accept Christ and the joy you see are their face brings you indescribable joy!

    The most frustrating thing is trying to be patient with people who are lazy and sometimes could care less that you came all the way across the ocean trying to tell them about Christ; and trying to get them to serve the Lord because they're are unwilling.

  39. Ryan Sterling, 14, Russia
    The most exciting: is being able to play paintball here in Russia.

    The most frustrating: is when people say that they are going to come to services but they don't.

  40. Kate Sinclair, (age 13) Cameroon, West Africa

    The most exciting thing about living here in Cameroon is that I get to eat grasshoppers around October. The most frustrating thing is water shortage during the dry season.

  41. Shea-Lynn Stensaas, Uganda

    The most exciting thing was driving through the game park and getting to see a large snake (something that I was hoping we would see). The most frustrating thing is having to go back to the States on furloughs.

  42. Savannah Stensaas (8), Uganda.
    The most frustrating thing for me is the wooly caterpillars. When the hairs get in you, they really hurt! The most exciting thing is getting to fly on airplanes being a missionary kid overseas.

  43. Skyler Stensaas, (11) Uganda
    The most exciting thing for me is being able to talk to my oldest brother on Skype or FaceTime. The most frustrating thing living here is the heat.

  44. Shiloh Stensaas (13), Uganda
    The most frustrating thing for me is the dry season; it is hot and my strawberries are dying. The most exciting thing (besides when it rains and the strawberries start growing again) is getting to play football each week with other MKs.

  45. Caleb Winkler, age 9 - Estonia

    The most exciting thing about living in Estonia is getting to go camping during the summer.

    The most frustrating thing to me is all the darkness during the winter months.

  46. Sarah Winkler, age 13 - Estonia

    The most exciting thing to me is when my grandpa and grandma visited us. We had a lot of fun showing them the sights in the country we call home.

    The most frustrating thing is not being able to speak the language fluently.

  47. Daniel Winkler, age 16 - Estonia

    An exciting thing that has happened just recently was joining a basketball group that practices 4 times a week. I'm enjoying this opportunity.

    The most frustrating thing is the difficulty of the language and communicating with people.

  48. Mikayla (12) Eastern Europe

    The most exciting thing that's happened is communicating with friends and family in America. It's something I wasn't able to do before this last furlough.

    The most frustrating thing is not knowing the language as well as I'd like to. I mean, sure I'm still learning, but I've practically lived here my whole life and I can barely communicate with the people. But I suppose that's life as a MK, huh?

  49. Stanley Stensaas (18) Uganda
    The most exciting thing was being able to raft down the Nile River. The most frustrating thing is not being able to always communicate with the people.

  50. Luke Smith, 13, Estonia

    The most frustrating thing is finding friends that I can communicate with. The most exciting was seeing someone get saved.

  51. The most exciting thing has been all the different places I have seen and things I have been able to do. While on deputation we stopped at State parks, monument, museums and got to see so many different things along the way. We have explored our Country, the Dominican republic, jumping off waterfalls, climbing mountains and learning (or trying to learn) to surf. I've had a lifetime of adventure already!!

    The most frustrating thing is that we get stared at constantly and the power going out!

    Julianna Schepers, 16, Dominican Republic

  52. Cameron Faafouina, 8 years old, Apia, Samoa

    The most exciting thing for me is when groups of people come for outreach and we get to do lots of fun things as well like swim in waterfalls or snorkel in the ocean.
    The most frustrating thing is when kids here hit me or stare at me and call me names because I'm different.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. The most exciting thing for me on the field would have to be seeing a person saved. The other exciting thing that has happened is being able to go a MTR ( Missionary Teen Retreats) were we can go and learn more about God and fellowship with other Mk's who are excited to serve the Lord with there parents. I'll be 17 on Thursday!

    The most frustrating thing is not having any friends my age here.... I've served in Eastern Europe (Romania) for almost 17 years. I'll be 17 this Thursday!

    Briana Sehested 17 Hunedoara, Romania

  55. Gideon Minks-12 Hokkaido,Japan.

    The most exciting thing that happened to me is getting a Japanese Bible for Christmas!

    The most frustrating thing for me is kids not wanting to talk to you because you are a foreigner and they get shy.

  56. The most exciting thing about being on the missionfield is when I understand what people are saying.
    The most frustrating thing about the missionfield is when I don't understand everything people say to me. Noah Brown (9) Croatia

  57. Erin Brown (14) says, the most exciting thing about living in Croatia is the summer festivals. They are lots of fun and have lots of good food to eat.
    The most frustrating thing about Croatia is when people are talking about me in front of my face and they don't think I can understand them.

  58. Allyson Brown (12) Croatia says the best thing about being on the missionfield is seeing places and experiencing things that my American friends have not experienced. We live near the border of Croatia, so we can go to Slovenia, Autstria, Hungary, and Italy very easily.

    The most frustrating thing about the missionfield is how people stare at us when we are in town. People know we are Americans. They especially stare at us when we are giving out tracts.

  59. Andrew Age 6 (Puerto Rico) says:

    The best part about being in Puerto Rico is knocking on doors and seeing new visitors in our church.

    The most frustrating part is all of the noise! (It is a noisy country)

  60. Christopher Shull (14) in Greenland

    One of my favorite things to do in Greenland is something my Dad and I (and sometimes friends) do every summer. We hike almost 22 km (about 13 miles) to another village and camp beside the bay full of icebergs. We always eat whale at a small restaurant there. We've been doing this since I was 9 and I look forward to it every year.

    The most frustrating things is the mosquitoes! For about 6 weeks in the summer they are horrible. Many people are surprised that we have mosquitoes in Greenland, but we do! They are small, but annoying! They come in swarms so we always pray for windy days! From Christopher in Greenland

  61. Anna Grace Shull (age 13) in Greenland

    One of the things I like to do in Greenland is go dog sledging. It’s fun to go into the mountains and everywhere you look is snow, iced over ponds and hills. You have to hang on to the sledge because the dogs will keep running even if you fall off!

    I think the most frustrating thing is having no other missionary friends here in Greenland. I look forward to summer when people come visit us. This summer our grandparents are coming to visit! Another missionary family is on deputation to come to Greenland and we can’t wait!

  62. Emilia Faith Shull (age10) in Greenland

    One of my favorite things is when my grandparents come to visit! My Pop-Pop is coming to help run our boat ministry and I can’t wait to go on the boat with him! I also like to go sledding! We have a big hill across the road from our house and we go sledding really fast down the hill!

  63. Jonathan Shull (8) in Greenland

    My most exciting thing in Greenland is when we go for a hike in the mountains and make s'mores over a fire and play on the rock beach beside the water. In the first part of summer these little fish called Ammassat come right up to the shore and you can reach in and grab them with your bare hands. I like to sleep outside in a tent in the summer.

    The most frustrating thing is when my feet get cold and ice gets on my pants and shirt and I have to come in.

  64. Mattaliina Joy Shull (age 4) in Greenland

    My most exciting thing in Greenland is the playgrounds. I like to go and play on them.

    My most frustrating thing is when the playgrounds are broken. We have a lot of broken playgrounds in Greenland.

  65. Exciting - working with the indigenous people

    Frustrating - being homeschooled when all your friends are in school

    Autumn (13) Australia

  66. Charity rice 12 Peru but Italy as well

    The most exciting thing about Peru is riding our bikes all over and going to little stores that are at almost every corner and getting an icecream cone in the summer.

    The most frustrating thing is that we are switching fields to go to Italy and I have to say goodbye to all my friends in Peru.

  67. Daniel in Ukraine said the funnest thing he has ever done as a MK is experiencing Enrichment week at BIMI. The second would be taking a tour of a fire station here in Ukraine even though he didn't get to see them put a fire out.

    Daniel said the most frustrating thing for him was when he doesn't finish his school until 6 p.m.

    Nathaniel said that for him the funnest thing was going to Enrichment week at BIMI also.

    For Nathaniel the most frustrating thing is separation from family members while in Ukraine and separation from friends while in the States.

  68. From Josiah W. Japan-
    The most exciting thing that has happened to me on the mission field is getting saved. I think that the most frustrating about our mission field is that a lot of the Japanese move every 3 years and so of they do get saved they usually move soon afterwards.

  69. From Malachi W- age 16
    The most exciting that has happened to me since being on the mission field is getting saved. I would say the most frustrating this is not having many friends, because we are foreigners and the Japanese are shy about becoming friends with us.

  70. Kierra Boylston (12) Pohnpei
    The most exciting thing was riding in a boat during a storm.
    I things that I really don't like about living here are the cold showers, cockroaches, spiders, and ants.

  71. Kaleb Boylston (15) Pohnpei
    There are so many exciting things about living here that it's hard to choose! Some would be going into the jungle to jump off the cliffs into the rivers or being crazy with the little kids and making them laugh.

    As far as frustration goes - NO TACO BELL! Now that's horrible! :)


  72. Kody Boylston (17) Pohnpei
    One of the most exciting things happened when we were at youth camp. The island flooded in the middle of the night, flooded the tent, and started washing things away.

    It is really frustrating that the teen guys that start being in church for awhile after youth camp, all leave the church after a few months.


  73. Kyle Boylston (18) Pohnpei
    I enjoyed being able to spend three months helping some other missionaries start a ministry on Nukuoro (one of the undeveloped outer island of Pohnpei). While there I was able to dig a well, harvest coconuts, and help with other manual labor. I also enjoyed trying new foods like sea snails, boiled breadfruit seeds, and raw tuna heart and liver.

    It is frustrating when pedestrians aren't careful while walking and suddenly walk out in front of me while I'm driving, or they just walk in the middle of the road.

  74. Khloe Boylston (9) Pohnpei
    I like how nice the people are here. I also like that there are a lot of dogs here because I love dogs. I was really excited when we finally got our own dog last month.

  75. Timothy, 12 in France:

    The most exciting thing about living in France is the pastries!

    The most annoying thing about living in France is that I can't see my family.

  76. Levi McCoy, Alaska

    The most exciting thing since I've been in Alaska is seeing the Northern Lights.

    The most frustrating thing is the mail never gets here on time. :)

  77. Kortney (7) Germany - An exciting thing for me on the field is the rodelbahn - which is like a toboggan. The most frustrating thing is not being able to speak the language very well.

  78. Kameron (11) Germany
    The most exciting thing is that I got to go to Legoland. The most frustrating thing is when the kids make fun of me for not speaking the language well.

  79. Kyndall (15) Germany
    It's just cool living in a foreign country! The most frustrating is hardly being able to speak to my friends in the States.

  80. Autumn Stokes, 20, Spain
    -The most exciting thing is traveling around Spain seeing it's beauty!
    - The most frustrating thing is that it's not as easy to make friends here as it is in America. Not everyone likes foreigners.

  81. Paul--Nepali people are so nice and like servants to you always giving. I don't like Dhal Bhat--lentils and rice.

    Jason--WE live in a barn ---I don't really know why he thinks that--MOM.
    I don't like dhal bhat--lentils and rice.

    Abby--I love that I have a doll house. I hate dhal bhat.--Yeah, we have it a lot...MOM

  82. Isaac - 9
    It's exciting going to see different sites in America (FL and TX are my favorite places to go). Finding $20.00 outside a hotel and being told I could keep it bye the hotel staff. Going to different zoo's and driving to the TX mission house.

    It's frustrating having my brothers like football. Being bored to death in the car. And having to drive, drive, drive and drive. Having to leave some of your toys behind at your grandparents house.

    Ethan - 8

    One of the most exciting things is seeing a Kiwi bird (At the Columbus Zoo in Columbus, OH).

    It's frustrating to drive for a long time.

    Landon - 7

    It's exciting driving to FL and moving into a mission house and getting football cards.

    It's frustrating to drive 15 hours in the car.

  83. Madisyn Lien, 15, Indonesia
    One of the most exciting things here is riding the angkots (public transportation) to the market. There is always so much to look at--there are always people and there's always something happening. Gripping your purse for dear life so it doesn't get snatched from you, holding your breath as you get near the meat stands, and avoiding puddles because you don't know what's in them--who wouldn't love it? It's awesome! (As an added bonus, you get to cross crazy busy streets and risk your life! As I said before, awesome!)
    But... it stinks that I haven't even met my best friend in person ever. We just text, Skype, and email...And the time zone difference between here and America makes it hard to talk. (Keona is probably the only person on earth I would volunteer to get up at 6:00 am for. Lol.)

  84. Alyssa Pratt, 16, India
    The most exciting thing is that we get to travel a lot and see many different things!! Because every state in India is totally different! And when we try to cross the road we literally take our life in our hands!! Most frustrating thing is that when people who are just driving by in cars or on bikes will look back at us like 200 times!!(esp. if mom is with us:)

    Naomi Pratt, 15,
    The most exciting thing for me is when a lot of pastors come for our annual conference and we get to hear about different ministries around India.
    The most frustrating thing is when we go back to America and people ask if we know the language, cuz we have lived here our whole lives. And more so if someone in India asks if we know Hindi.

    Melody, 13
    The most exciting thing is when we have big church programs and get to plan stuff for children!
    The most frustrating thing is when people here think we are above them or of a different class.

    Ethan, 11
    The most exciting thing is I get to go with daddy by myself to visit other pastors!
    The most frustrating thing is when people when people see pictures of our family in America and make fun of them.

    Kara, 6
    The most exciting thing is to go out to eat with mom by myself.
    The most frustreting thing is when older ladies pinch my cheeks...

  85. Emma Sinclair, 11, Cameroon, Africa
    The most exciting thing for me has been Family Camp. The most frustrating thing is when the power goes out all the time.

  86. Faith Ann Sinclair, 9, Cameroon, Africa
    The most exciting thing about living in Cameroon is that people think that lions are roaming around everywhere and that you can tell them you've seen one before, but you've really just seen one at a zoo. The most frustrating thing is when people here say they are going to marry me one day.

  87. Andrew Sinclair, 15, Cameroon Africa
    The most exciting thing about being here in Cameroon is family camp every April. The most frustrating thing is when the power goes out all the time.


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