
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ask the MK... Wednesday Edition

Hello, Wednesday!
And hello, MKs!

MK Spirit Week,
we here at the BMW Blog have decided to ask MKs some questions. And the fun part? They may also be rewarded for taking the time to share their answers!

Two randomly selected MKs who respond will receive a $10 Amazon electronic gift card.

So here's today's question:

If you could visit a new country
for a missions trip,
where would you go?


Please leave your answer in a comment below, and include your name, age, and country or region of service.

Sponsors for today's gift cards:

McCoy Family

Wilson Family(Thank you for loving on our MKs!)


To be eligible to win the gift card, we must be able to verify you are in fact a bona fide, true, honest, for real Baptist Missionary Woman's missionary kid, currently living with your parents either on the field, on deputation, or on a temporary furlough.

The deadline to respond is Saturday, March 12th.

The winners will be announced March 14th right here on the blog.


  1. Micah Guay, 14, Thailand
    I would go to the Philippines because I know some people from there and because I can speak a little of their language.

  2. Abigail Petersen 14 yrs. Uganda
    If I could visit any other country on a missions trip it would definitely be Israel. I have wanted to visit there for a while now, and I really hope I get the chance to go someday.

  3. Briana Sehested 17 yrs. Romania
    If I could visit any other country on a missions trip it would definitely be Italy. I have wanted to visit there for a while now, and I really hope I can get the opportunity to go someday.

  4. Daniel Petersen, 16 yrs, Uganda
    I would like to visit Israel. I think it would be neat to see where Jesus lived and walked.

  5. Ben W. 16 Southern Asia

    Probably Siberia or Alaska, somewhere north. Somewhere where people don't stare at you. Ha!

    Michaela 12 Southern Asia

    I would go to Israel.

    Gabriel 9, Southern Asia

    I would go to either Israel or Thailand.

  6. If I could visit any country for a missions trip, I would go to either the Philippines or Siberia. I want to go to the Philippines because I have friends there and I know some Tagalog phrases. I want to go to Siberia because I would love to visit somewhere really cold and see what it's like.
    Elisabeth Guay, 20, Thailand

  7. Elijah Guay, 18, Thailand

    I would like to go to Canada on a missions trip.

  8. Cameron Faafouina, 8, Samoa

    I would LOVE to go to China for a missions trip! Actually, I want to be a missionary there someday unless I go to Russia or somewhere snowy because it's too hot in Samoa.

  9. Kyndall (15) Germany
    I would go to Greece. It's an historic country.

  10. Kameron (11) Germany
    I would visit Nepal because of the Himalayas.

  11. Kortney (7) Germany
    I would go to Italy because I want to be a missionary there.

  12. Gideon Phillips...10, Central Asia
    I would go to Egypt. I've been curious what it looks like. I need the tan. :)

    Rebekah Phillips....14 Central Asia
    I would go to Italy. I really like the area of Venice.

    Hannah Phillips....16 Central Asia
    I would go to Scotland.

  13. Luke Smith, Estonia. I would travel to Costa Rica.

  14. Katie Tharp - Age 8 - Ireland
    I would like to go to China. Because that is where lots of toys and other "Tea Party" things are made!

  15. Darren Tharp - Age 10 - Ireland
    I would also like to go to China. Because of the neat sleeping places there, like the bed-type apartments that you can have all to yourself.

  16. Joel W. Age 10, Japan- I would love to go to Myanmar otherwise known as Burma.

    Malachi w. Age 16, Japan- I would like go to Scotland or Russia.

    Josiah W. Age 15, Japan- I would like to go to South Korea someday. We stayed the night there once when we flew back to the States and I liked it.

    Titus, Age 11, Japan- I would like to go to China.

    Isaiah W. Age 8, Japan- Nicaragua to help put up Christian radio towers.

  17. Hmm that is a hard question! There are a lot of places that I would like to go on a missions trip to. I would probably want to go to Israel (I would like to see the historical sites from the Bible there), Paupa New Guinea (I know a missionary pilot there and I am interested in missionary aviation), or Iceland (I read a book about Iceland and I thought the culture and landscape was interesting).
    Malachi Minks 14 Japan

  18. Victoria Minks, 18, Japan

    I love learning about other cultures, so I wouldn't mind if I ended up becoming something of a world traveler. lol!
    Last year I went to South Korea on a mission trip and enjoyed it SO much. I'd like to go back, even if it was a stop-over to another country (as we fly through S. Korea from Japan sometimes).
    Other than that, some places on my list (in no particular order): Peru (really good friends), Germany (history, culture, etc), Israel (the places of the Bible), Ireland (history, culture, etc), England and Wales, (ditto reason for Ireland) Australia (culture), .... but really I'll go anywhere. :P

  19. Naomi•17•Ghana,West, Africa
    If I could go on a missions trip anywhere it'd most definitely be India. I've always wanted to go there. Ever since I heard of Amy Carmichael in Sunday school when I was 6 and read her biography when I was 9.

  20. Nathaniel Spillman said that he would like to go to Australia. Daniel Spillman said that he would like to visit a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean.

  21. I would love to go to Papua New Guinea or somewhere in Africa.
    Julianna Schepers, 16, Dominican Republic

  22. Stephen Benefield, 10, Cambodia

    I would like to go to Greenland, because the MKs from Greenland have been posting some really neat things on this blog this week, like about dog sleds.

  23. I would love to visit Israel some day. Also I would like to visit Estonia because my cousins live there (the Winkler family.)

  24. Sarah Winkler (13), Estonia

    The country of Greenland has captured my interest. It would be fun to experience life at the top of the world. Plus, I would enjoy visiting my friend, Anna.

  25. Ethaen (10) Guam
    I would like to go to China!

    Nathanael (11) Guam
    I would like to to to Greenland to see the Northern lights. I would also like to see what it is like to have days be dark the whole time.

  26. Gabby Faith Benefield, 7, Cambodia

    I would like to visit the country of Spain, because I learned about it in school and it sounds interesting.

  27. Seth Benefield, 6, Cambodia

    I would like to visit Greenland, because I like snow. Actually, I've never seen snow, but I want to.

  28. Deborah Benefield, 15, Cambodia

    I would love to visit Greenland because of the ice and snow, and Switzerland to see the mountains. I would also love to visit Nicaragua, because I really liked a missions presentation by a missionary to Nicaragua that we met a few years ago when we were last in the states.

  29. Autumn Stokes, 20, Spain
    I would love to go to Africa and I am pretty close to it so hopefully I will one day. I want to experience what it is like there. I have met some people from there and they are such nice people!
    I've also always wanted to go to Scotland! My parents have traveled there for meetings and I always wanted to go with them and we have quite a few friends there.

  30. Zachary 5 Puerto Rico
    Ukraine because my twin day friend is there.

    Sara 4 Puerto Rico
    I would go and run around in Texas.

    Andrew 6 Puerto Rico
    To China to see the people we prayed for.

  31. Emerald Grace Benefield, 13, Cambodia

    I would like to visit Mexico, because I am half Mexican.

  32. Ethan, 6, Argentina

    Spain because they speak Spanish and so do I.

  33. Clara, 8, Argentina

    To France to see Eiffel Tower.

  34. Brenna, 3, Argentina

    To Chile because it is across the mountains from us and to see the ocean.

  35. Hannah Benson, 10, Cameroon, Africa...
    I would love to visit Japan because I want to be a missionary there some day.

    Lydia Benson, 9, Cameroon, West Africa...
    I would love to go to London, England. I just think it would be fun!

    Ruth Benson, 8, Cameroon, West Africa...
    I would like to visit France some day because the pictures are beautiful!

    Faith Benson, 6, Cameroon, West Africa...
    I would like to visit Ireland because I want to roll down the green hills.

  36. Rachel Rice, 16, Italy
    I would like to visit Spain or Scotland.

  37. Esther,12,Lithuania
    I would like to go to France(because of the beautiful sights), Australia(because I have friends there and I've always wanted to go there), and just anywhere in Africa(to see the wildlife and help the kids there).

  38. Micah,14,Lithuania

    If I could go to a country for a missions trip I would go to Great Britain because of the food and the sights.

  39. Timothy Doan, 16, Vilnius Lithuania

    I would say i would want to go on a missions trip to Italy, or maybe Portugal.
    Because I've heard of stories from those countries and I believe they would be an enjoyable destination to visit and sightsee.

  40. In France:

    Juliana Abbett, 15: Spain (Lou Ann Kaiser, here we come!)

    Timothy Abbett, 12: Australia (Jen Bauer, here we come!)

    Joshua Abbett, 10: Germany (Dalene Clark, here we come!)

  41. Levi McCoy, Alaska

    I would go somewhere that has penguins. Or I would go to Australia.

  42. From Greenland

    Christopher Shull (14) Israel and France

    Anna Shull (13) I'd like to go to Africa, I'm not sure which country though.

    Emilia Shull (10) Maine, USA to visit Pop-Pop

    Jonathan Shull (8) England

    Mattaliina Shull (4) Iceland

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Abby, SE Asia--Alaska
    Paul, SE Asia--Antaratica
    Jason, SE Asia--Greenland

  45. I'd like to go in a missions trip to Peru. Because we have missionary friends there and I'd like to see their deaf ministry. I'd also like to go to Mongolia and Greenland, because I'm interested in the people.
    Abigail Minks 17yrs., Japan

  46. Nathanael W. Age 13, Japan- I would like to England or Papau New Guinea. I have started learning the atom Pisin language and would like to go there and try to use it.

  47. Gideon Minks 12, Hokkaido, Japan
    I would like to go to Finland or somewhere I could see the Aurora Borealis (The Northern Lights), or Australia.

  48. Timothy Sterling, 12, Russia
    I would like to go to Scotland

  49. From the Boylston Kids in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia

    Kyle (18)
    I really would love to go to Japan. I have been interested in that country for several years and have been trying to learn the Japanese language and more about the culture.

    Kody (17)
    I would like to go to Kosrae. It isn't really a different country, but it is a different island state. I would like to go there because it would be similar to Pohnpei and also because I know some people there.

    Kaleb (15)
    My mama said I couldn't choose the North Pole and that I couldn't go back in time to ancient China, so I think my choice would be Mongolia.

    Kierra (12)
    When my daddy was in the USAF we were able to go to several countries in Europe, but I was too little to remember hardly any of it. I would like to go back to England because that was where I was born. I would also like to go to Mexico because when we were on deputation I met a Mexican couple that were missionaries back to their own country and they were really nice to me and taught me a little bit about Mexico and some words in Spanish. We know some other missionaries there too.

    Khloe (9)
    China. Just because. And it sounds cool.

  50. Savannah Stensaas: England.
    Skyler Stensaas: Madagascar
    Shiloh Stensaas: Scotland
    Shae-Lynn Stensaas: Australia or Scotland
    Stanley Stensaas: Israel

    (The Stensaas Family is in Uganda)

  51. Mexico
    Josiah Minks, 10yrs., Japan

  52. Isaac -9

    Madagascar - to see the animals

    Ethan - 8

    Ireland to see the castles.

    Landon -7

    Does want to go anywhere unless you count America!!! Ha

    The Guenther's Missionaries to New Zealand

  53. Kate Sinclair, 13, Cameroon West Africa
    "I would go to Spain because I like the Spanish language and I haven't heard of many missionaries living in Spain."

  54. Emma Sinclair, 11, Cameroon West Africa
    "I've always wanted to go to India because the ladies dress so pretty there."

  55. Faith Ann Sinclair, 9, Cameroon West Africa
    "I would like to go to Georgia because I want to learn their language."

  56. Drew Sinclair, 15, Cameroon West Africa
    "I would love to visit Venezuela because my Uncle Jay, Aunt Sarah and cousins serve there."

  57. I would love to go to Thailand! We got to visit recently and it was amazing!
    Madisyn Lien age 15 ~Indonesia

  58. Caleb Winkler (9), Estonia

    Australia - I'd love to see all the animals.

  59. Daniel Winkler (16), Estonia

    I would love to go to Israel and visit the places mentioned in the Bible.

  60. Andrew Winkler (15), Estonia

    I'd love to go to Africa for a missions trip. But I'd also like to visit Greenland.


We appreciate you taking the time to stop and leave a comment, but please remember to be kind!