
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

God's Provisions

We are currently on furlough and it is difficult to find the time to write blog posts as I would like.  God is teaching me and reminding me of so many lessons during this time.  Today, I thought I would share one of them with you.     

There has been a circumstance in my family recently that has driven me to my knees.  I have shared at my personal blog before, that one of the things I have struggled with as a missionary is not “being there” or being able to provide some things for my kids.  This hasn’t lessened since my kids have left the nest.  In fact, in some regards, it has been a little more difficult.  

During a recent situation with one of my children, I found myself wondering what God might be up to.  One thing I did not do was doubt that He had a plan.  I’ve seen Him work too many times to doubt Him and what He was doing.

As in the past, I’ve seen God work in a miraculous way.  I’ve seen Him provide in ways that it could have only come from Him.  I have found once again that I can trust God to care for my children.  He loves them far more than I ever could.  He has everything under His control.  I can rest in the fact that He will always do what is best.  

My heart is overflowing with praise as I write.  My faith has once again been strengthened.  

“Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him…”  ~Psalm 37:7

*The photo is from my favorite place near my home in Japan.


  1. Wonderful, wonderful God we do have. And His ways and timing are always best.

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart. What a sweet testimony! ��


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