
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Homemade Sourdough Bread 🍞

Sourdough Bread
We can’t keep this around at our house. I can make a double batch (4 loaves) and it will be gone within 24 hours. The texture is amazing! Its easy to make, and tastes so much better than any other homemade sourdough bread I’ve had or made. 

Combine your ingredients in a large bowl (one that you won’t be needing to use for about 24 hours).

Stir until ingredients are combined. The dough will look dry, that is ok! Trust me, it will moisten up soon!

(If your starter is on the wetter side, you may need to add more flour. If you can't mix the dough with hands, add flour little bits at a time until you can)

Let the dough rest for one hour. Then, (this is the hardest part) fold your dough every thirty minutes. I like to wet my hands, so that the dough doesn’t stick, and I just fold the dough in half two times. 
After you’ve folded the dough, cover it with a towel, and repeat in another thirty minutes. You’re going to want to repeat this process 6-10 times. I rarely actually keep up with folding every thirty minutes. I know, I’m terrible! I normally mix this dough up in the morning, and fold it whenever I get to the house. When I finally get home for the day, I fold every thirty minutes. After you are done folding, cover dough with a towel, and put in the fridge for 12-24 hours. 
After the 12-24 hours, it’s time to shape the dough. Cut the dough in half, and shape it into a smooth ball. Put your dough in a heavy pot (our lodge pot is my favorite). You may want to put parchment paper or tin foil in your pot to make removing the bread once it’s baked easier. You could also oil your pot. This is where knowing your equipment comes in handy. Allow to rise for at least an hour. Bake covered for about 30-45 minutes. Remove lid/tin foil, and bake bread for about 15 minutes, or until the top of the loaf starts to brown. Remove bread from pot, and allow to cool. We rarely do that by the way. Normally it’s sliced up and buttered as soon as the bread is cool enough to not melt our knife. 
Sometimes we like to put herbs and garlic in the bread and make it into a savory Italian loaf.

Sometimes I divide the dough into four, and use my hands to spread it out on a cookie sheet, and bake it as a focaccia bread. 

I hope you enjoy this amazing loaf of sourdough bread! ❤️

Amber Wells
Papua New Guinea πŸ‡΅πŸ‡¬


  1. Hey Amber, I would like to try this, but there aren't any ingredients listed, only instructions. Can you post the ingredients please? Thanks!

  2. 2.5 cups water plus 1 cup water?? Do you add them separately?

    Also, does this need sourdough starter?


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