Thursday, March 31, 2016
The Bucket List
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Tasty Tuesday -Traditonal Easter Foods from Around the World
With Easter celebrated from last week until May first in some countries, the BMW ladies thought it would be interesting to share with our readers a few traditional dishes enjoyed in our countries during Easter. We posted the links to recipes for a few of them in case you would like to try them out for yourselves.
Semana Santa (Holy Week) is the biggest holiday of the year. Good Friday is the big celebration. They eat Habichuelas con Dulce (sweet Beans). This recipe is definitely an interesting combination of ingredients. Take a look at the process involved in making it and find the recipe here.
A traditional Easter dish in Mexico is Capirotada, a Mexican bread pudding made with cinnamon, piloncillo, cloves, raisins, bread, and cheese. Many Mexican and Mexican-American families view this dish as a reminder of the suffering of Christ on the cross. The ingredients in this recipe carry a rich and symbolic representation. The bread is for the Body of Christ, the syrup is his blood, the cloves are the nails on the cross, the cinnamon sticks symbolize the wooden cross, and the melted cheese stands for the Holy Shroud.
It was a tradition to exclude meat from the diet for the Lenten period (forty days after Ash Wednesday) and many still keep the tradition of not cooking on Good Friday. Fish is the main staple of almost every household. Cheese and fish are eaten at the Good Friday church service.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Give Thanks
Throughout the last highly chaotic, and shall we call it adventurous year, the verse "in everything give thanks", has taken on a drastically different light in my life. We all know that giving thanks is commanded, it's good, but this year I have learned its VITAL to surviving trials. "Giving thanks" is worship, but as all good and true worship it not only glorifies the Father, but it forever changes who you are. And it's the life raft that pulls you from the rapids of despair and frustration, when the waves of life become more than you can bare.
Have you been there?
When every day becomes a time where you question everything in life. When everyday you wake to more developing problems. When everyday you struggle with Gods plan and wonder if you are still in his plan at all. When your grace and patience is tested everyday like an elephant sitting on a mouse. When you've become overwhelmed by the negatives and the broken dreams at your feet. When you realize Satan has convinced you that nothing in your life is good at all.
In the last 12 months, we have experienced a 7.8 earthquake, lost our house, lived through hundreds of aftershocks, went through a 6 month blockade of goods from our countries vital resource of gasoline, cooking gas and food, and I've had an appendectomy and pneumonia. Sounds pretty....bleak, yeah? That is the line the devil feeds us too.
I'll not lie, when this story started to unfold and we were shaken to our core literally and figuratively, I did feel very much that way. But after about the first month, when the unanswered questions and stress became something that really left me feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, I knew something had to change. I went to the Lord for help. He showed me the story of Noah during a bed time story one night with my daughter. Just as Noah and his family, floated for 40 days awaiting Gods new plan, I was awaiting Gods new direction. They were not forgotten but were sitting in a safe, however quiet place, awaiting Gods next step. Maybe a little stir crazy at times but provision was always plentiful. He assured me, I had also not been forgotten. My life was confusing and I was in a sense floating through unchartered waters but NOT forgotten and NOT un-blessed. This is when I realized I had forgotten my obligation to give thanks. I had allowed the struggles to crowd out any sight of the blessings God was daily flooding in my life. I felt the challenge, to every time I wanted to whine, complain or question Gods plan, to make myself give thanks for one thing.
This was a turning point for me. This took a confused young momma from daily limping through the day, to living with grace. It's so simple. It's not life-shattering. Even now, writing it down it sounds so small and insignificant. But it's affect on me was far from insignificant. Before, all I saw were the events that had happened, and how confused and scared we were by the future. Then I started to see this.
1. Me and my husband and my children lived through an earthquake that took over 10,000 lives. I was alive to see the blessings and trials that would come my way that coming year. I was afforded the opportunity to spend another year holding my husbands hand, to talk with him for hours, to jump on his bike with him as we headed on some mission together, to love him. I was blessed with another year to rock my babies, to hold their tiny hands, to read to them and laugh and giggle, to just be their momma. By Gods grace, I lived.
2. We were housed during the entire time, while millions slept in tents. While so many homeless or terrified people huddled in tents, God provided a way that everyday we had a roof over our heads.
3. We never one time needed for money or food. Our supporting churches love and support for us during this time was so intensely felt. They were so generous and loving. While there were so many other stresses, money was never one of them.
4. Our opportunities to witness to our friends and neighbors were prevalent. In a place where 1% of the population claims some form of Christianity, we rejoice in every chance to share the gospel. During this time, many who would never darken the church door were witnessed to, due to open air meetings that were held during the churches displacement.
5. Soon after, a man my husband witnessed to for years came to know Christ. For 3 years, this man sat in church and was witnessed to. His salvation and subsequent growth and relationship that blossomed with my husband was one of the biggest blessings and encouragements of the year.
6. We received a lovely new home to rent. God met our needs and opened doors for us to find a new home when the supply and demand scale for housing was extremely uneven. A place that has been a wonderful place of joy and refreshment.
7. Our Church blossomed in the trial; members weekly praising God for his provisions and my husband began preaching in the language 3x a week, and members after 5 years began taking over ministries in the church. The country where we serve, people worship gods who they have no expectation of hearing their prayer or answering it. So to see believers grow to where they see the need, pray, see the answer and praise God for it, is wonderful growth. In a country where the language is far from easy, to see God enable my husband to do what he felt was unable to do in his own strength is miraculous. And to see our young people, step up and be faithful and desire to serve in the church as a dependable leader is monumentous.
8. My wealth in friends was made evident. When your life is turned topsy turvy, and ladies that love and serve with you come to help and lend a hand, you realize how blessed and rich you are to call them friends. When your sick and your mission church rallies around you in prayer and support and rejoices when your well, your heart floods with joy for the true church family he has given you despite the differences in your skin color or culture. This is our home and we are blessed beyond measure with the spiritual family and friends God has given us.
9. Gods grace and peace was miraculous. When people throughout the city turned to alcohol and desperation Gods people walked with a sense of peace they didn't understand. They spoke with boldness about his provision and were a light to the community in a way they had never seen. The only reason we could live with a smile and serve with joy was the never ending supply of grace that God shoveled down in heaps everyday. When I was faced with having an emergency surgery in a 3rd world country where medical can be frightening, Gods provision and grace so enveloped me I can't explain it. Unexplainable peace is the only explanation.
10. I learned the importance of giving thanks.
There were hundreds more blessings through the past year, but I hope you can see even in this small list how the blessings far outweighed the trials. I pray as you read this, you don't see the trials but the blessings and the power of GIVING THANKS as God commands. As this began to help me, I realized how I wanted this to remain a part of my life. When serving in a spiritually dark land, where the devil fights on a daily basis I realized the importance of fighting back with "thanks". So many times thousands of blessings come and go through our lives and we never even glimpse at them as they pass. When if we would just take the time to stop and rejoice in them, not only would we see Gods love for us, but we would be so overwhelmed by it that we have a fighting chance at having victory over defeat and discouragement.
So....for me a chalkboard was the answer. It's been in the planning stage for months and now I have it!! Mounted in my kitchen where my family spends so much time is my "give thanks" board. And around breakfast time we as a family choose a blessing to be thankful for on our board. I love it!!! I love seeing the good. I love teaching my daughter that God loves her so immensely that he blesses her everyday. I love to see the reminder of those blessings every time I walk past. I love giving thanks!
I encourage you in whatever way works for you to daily take the time to see the blessings God sends your way. A day will come when seeing those blessings will be the thing that gets you through.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Sacrifice (Guest Post}
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret was recommended and lent to me by a friend, and I am so thankful she wanted me to read it. One of the things I learned, that I never knew, was that George Mueller helped financially support most, if not all, of the missionaries there in China under the China Inland Mission. I have always had such great respect and admiration for George Mueller, for his reliance on God, and his care for the children in his orphanage. The lessons learned from his faith when he literally had nothing inspired me. Then to add to that the knowledge that the money he could have rightfully used in his own “mission field” he send to others who were just as needy as he was. What a conviction! Of course, the life of Hudson Taylor and his wife are just as convicting. What I have gone through since arriving on the field in Scotland pales in comparison to what they dealt with while serving God. Mrs. Taylor died at 33, which is the age I am right now. Before her death she buried three children in China and sent the others to England for their education. I cannot imagine the grief and heartache to see her children die and her others leave her side never to see her again. And here I get worried when my finances are low enough to be unsure of whether I can pay my electric bill.
We cannot compare ourselves to others, but at the same time I believe it’s wise to take from what we learn of other missionaries who have gone on before us and apply their experiences to our lives.
What of modern missionaries who have suffered? I think of Martin and Gracia Burnham. Just ten or so years ago, they were captured by Islamic extremists and marched through a jungle for over a year at gun point, with death threatened on all sides. Martin didn’t make it out alive, but Gracia did. Just this past year, a missionary husband tried to save some kids from drowning and in doing so, lost his life. His wife and family are still carrying on the work God has called them to. There was a missionary family here in Scotland who served faithfully for many years until the husband ended up with a brain tumor and ultimately went home to be with the Lord. Their children were all grown, but the wife is still faithfully serving where God has put her. There are many stories like these that have happened even in the last 10 years. So I have to ask myself, am I willing to truly sacrifice for God? My heart’s desire and longing is to say, "yes." I have so much to learn about trusting God and following him, and I am very thankful that other missionaries have such an amazing testimony that we can learn from and follow.
My prayer and longing is that no matter what happens and no matter what God has asked of me that I will do it. Not in my strength, for I have none of myself. It scares me to even put this on paper, but I know that what I am doing now is my ‘reasonable service’ (Romans 12:1). With certainty we all deal with the knowledge that we lack any strength in and of ourselves. Ladies, especially those of us who are single, don’t let satan convince you that you are not worth it. Don’t let satan deceive you into thinking God has not called you! I pray that we all can say at the end of our lives, we followed God and served Him to the best of our ability even when it meant loss and sacrifice. In the end it’s worth it when souls are saved and we reach heaven to live with Him!
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Her Story Silhouettes by Shari {#7 Betty Greene / Navigating a Storm}
Hey there, I'm Shari. One of my favorite things to do is read about or study the lives of those who have gone before us or who are walking beside us in this endeavor of being a missionary lady.*
Their stories challenge me, encourage me, and teach me. My hope is that these "silhouettes" or glimpses of their lives will do the same for you.
So grab a cup of tea, sit back and enjoy, and let me tell you about her story.

Study: Navigating a Storm
My “I thought I was going to die” plane story reminds me of another particular occasion when I was weathering a different type of storm in my life. I remember I was reading the book of John. John is the book I always run to when things seem out of kilter and I’ve lost my way. When I got to chapter six I read the familiar story where the disciples were in a boat in the midst of the sea and a storm was raging around them. The words in verse 21, “and immediately the ship was at the land,” intrigued me especially since I was looking for a way to get back to my own steady ground. I thought, “Hmm, I wonder whether Jesus made their boat arrive at the shore miraculously like He had calmed the sea or if they were just thrashing around not realizing they were actually at the shore already?” I went back and read all three accounts of this story given in the Gospels to see what I could glean from them. Verse by verse God seemed to be showing me how their physical state mirrored my spiritual state at the moment. I felt like the Lord was asking me these three questions, and after pondering them, I came to a few conclusions.
I'd love to hear about your story, too. Feel free to leave a comment, or friend me on Facebook, or visit me in Thailand. I have a great guest room. :)
MAF Video which contains footage from Betty's inaugural flight
- flight
Betty Greene's official Facebook account -
MAF website -
Awarded Congressional Gold Medal -