
Monday, August 5, 2013

Anniversary Giveaway #1 - Child Training Bible

I am so excited about our first giveaway! 
It's for The Child Training Bible Kit.
Here is my review from last year...
Awhile back, a friend sent me the link for the Child Training Bible.  I was intrigued.  I watched the video on their site and had one of those "why didn't I think of that" moments!  I prefer to use Scripture when disciplining my kids.  I think it is very important to see that God hates sin.  I also think it is just as important to show them that God loves them, and take this time to introduce important things like repentance, forgiveness, and grace. 

This is why I love the Child Training Bible.  When an issue occurs, I can go directly to the Bible and show them several verses on the issue we are dealing with.  Whether it be anger, laziness, tattling, jealousy, or sharing the Gospel. 

Let me explain further.  When you purchase the kit you will receive:
- 1 Child training Bible key (on laminated cardstock)
- 3 easy tabbers
- 1 set of instructions

You will also need to purchase:
- 1 Bible (9"x6")
- 7 different color markers, colored pencils, or crayons
- 7 different color post-it tabs

The cost of the kit?  Just $9
(plus the cost of tabs and markers)

To begin to assemble your Bible, use double-sided tape to stick the key to the inside of your Bible, in the front.

This next part takes a bit of time, but I promise, it is worth every minute!  You use the tabbers to look up the verses under each category and place a matching color tab on the right side of the page (whether the verse is on the left or right) where you find the Scripture passage.  Then underline the verse or color in the verse with the matching color.  I used crayons.

This is what the top looks like when it is completed!

And here it is open and completed.  I love the colors.
So will your kids!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A special Bible kit too!! Woohoo! God bless you for this gift!

  2. This is a wonderful idea! My son is only 11 months old, so we haven't gotten too far down the parenting road yet, but this looks like a great idea! :)

  3. Very unique - I love it! Our favorite child training tool is the Word of God and by it's guidelines we use loving discipline to teach our children to be obedient. They are growing up so quickly and we've made so many mistakes, but God is faithfully taking our efforts and blessing the for His glory!

  4. I have many books on child rearing, winning your child's heart, praying for your children, etc. These are tools I use along with the Bible, prayer, and counsel from people who have raised their children for the Lord.

  5. A book that really helped me was Teach Them Diligently. It helped me learn HOW to use God's Word practically with my children. It's easy to say we need to use God's Word to teach them and discipline them... Whole different ball game to learn HOW to do it.

  6. Prayer is my second greatest tool in training our children!

  7. I have to agree with a previous reviewer that prayer is a great bible training tool. I am really considering ordering this even if I don't win!

  8. We use the character training books by Pam Forster. But we love this Training Bible you are giving away!

  9. We have enjoyed Train up a Child by Mike and Debi Pearl.

  10. We have been using Train up a Child By Mike and Debi Pearl.

    rachel verstraete
    e841r at yahoo dot com

  11. This would be an awesome gift for one of my Grandsons for Christmas.

  12. Example. A great training tool. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  13. This looks like such a great tool!

  14. We also use the catechism to give them further guidance and examples of how God's word is used in our lives.

  15. We use our story Bibles and other reading books about Bible stories, characters, godly living, verses, etc. They are still little so our book collection is simple and easy for them to understand (and apply with practice) :)

    -Angela Robbins

  16. We use To Train up a Child and a lot of one on one time listening and talking. I love all the different colors that mark the passage. A fun way to keep what we've learned readily available!

  17. We use music quite a bit to help with memorization.

  18. Devotionals for kids.

  19. One of these times maybe I'll win!! :)

  20. Again, Rearing Spiritual Children to Serve the Savior.

  21. One of our best tools is the advice of our pastor and other people in our church whose children are grown. More practically though, Belinda Letchford (I think that is how you spell her name!) has a blog post each week called Live Life With Your Kids. We don't agree with everything she writes, of course, but it provides a topic to think about as parents, and sort of walks you through it. It just helps to break the whole of the parenting responsibility into more bite sized pieces to consider. Also, Doorposts blog is the same take-one-aspect-at-a-time and think on it with scripture approach we enjoy. We love using her book Instruction in Righteousness. Again, we don't agree with everything, but as Christians mature they learn to 'eat the watermelon and spit out the seeds' when reading or listening to advice. Lastly,IBLP (Bill Gothard)and Solve Family Problems (S.M. Davis) have been wonderful resources as well. Wow. This comment makes me look like a know it all! Actually, I have to borrow brains because I don't know much, hope it is a blessing to someone! Ha. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. What a great idea for families to use. Thanks for having this giveaway.

    vail in tn


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