
Monday, August 5, 2013

Anniversary Giveaway #2 - The Virtue Training Bible


Virtue Training Bible

I am so excited about this giveaway!  Mindy from the Child Training Bible has also created a Virtue Training Bible, and has graciously offered to give one away to our readers!  As I mentioned in our first giveaway, I already have and use the Child Training Bible, so I was very excited when I heard Mindy created the Virtue Training Bible.  She was kind enough to send me a kit to review.  Here is what the kit includes...

You will also need a Bible (I prefer KJV), tabs, and crayon, highlighters, or colored pencils.  That's it!  It is time consuming to assemble, as you have to locate each verse (and there are many!) highlight the verse and attach the tab to the page, but the end result is so worth every minute.

Here is the end result...

I plan to begin using this in my morning devotions with the kids.  Starting with compassion and taking our time going through each verse.  I am also thinking of using it in our homeschooling.  Trying to think of how to work it in, but I know it's going to so profitable.
Please enter the giveaway for a chance to earn a free kit (please remember you must have a US mailing address).  If you'd rather just purchase one check out the Virtue Training Bible's website, and please tell Mindy we sent you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a special gift to any who receive it!! God bless all those helping this be that guide for young children that will encourage them from a young age and thank you for all your work! Happy Anniversary!

  2. My favorite child training tool besides the Bible is prayer!!! :) I think this is a great idea!

  3. This looks like something that would be awesome to use with new Christians also!

  4. 'For Instruction in Righteousness' is the most often used tool for heart correction in our home - for the kiddos and the mama too! Of course it send us right to the Word of God, so perhaps I'm not answering accurately!

  5. Love this idea! I think Dee Dee is right - PRAYER! I'm ready the book "Power of a Praying Parent". Challenging book!

  6. Favorite child training tool other than the Bible? For me, family devotions. Yea, I know it includes the Bible, too, but our family devotions are such an intimate time... Singing, prayer, quality open communication. Priceless.

  7. I couldn't pick just one as I have gleaned from several things. Christian relatives, solid preaching from our home church and observing other children and parents have all been helpful.

  8. Memorizing Scripture - I have really enjoyed using the Child Training Bible with our children.

  9. Teaching a child to pray is one of the most important tools besides the Bible!

  10. Wise words for moms, Child Training Bible and trying to lead by example.

  11. I like to use family devotions as well as the child training bible!!!

  12. Besides the Bible, one of my favorite child training tool if reality discipline.

  13. I had this wonderful Bible and left it in a hotel in Atlanta. I sure would love a replacement! ;)

  14. That's a hard question to answer! There are so many things that we use as a training tool. The Bible, quality family time, the sermons of our pastors, Godly counsel from friends and family. Can't pick one because they are all valuable resources.

  15. I've it and love my ctb

  16. I absolutely love the Child Training Bible.

  17. My favorite tool right now besides the Bible is the Accountable Kids Program

  18. Memorizing scripture has been a great tool for us.

  19. I agree with those above. My best child training tool has to be prayer. :-)I need to do it even more often than I do. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. We use so many other things to help it's hard to pick just one. I think fellowship with others of like faith is a great tool though.

  21. Prayer is great.... a flexible piece of material is helpful...Older, wiser parents who've been there are very helpful...All pieces of the same body. :)

  22. We love to share our experiences with our children so they understand we can relate to them and we all face the same issues.

  23. We use To Train Up A Child and try to spend quality time listening and talking one on one. I love how this is hands on and all the Bible Verses!

  24. We us music quite a bit to help with scripture memorization.

  25. Children's devotionals

  26. We recently just read a book called Rearing Spiritual Children to Serve the Savior by Terry Coomer. Wow is it excellent and convicting. He really talks more to the parents about developing a right relationship with God before you expect to have Spiritual children.

  27. I also use Wise Words For Moms

  28. This looks wonderful. The Ranger Bill radio show from Moody has some good lessons to each episode. We love that.


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