
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Another Introduction

I am often asked to introduce myself in the country that I reside. The language is very difficult, so I usually stick to the simple facts. My husband, Tim, and I are missionaries in Japan. We have three adult children. Our two sons are married. Our daughter is a music teacher. All reside in the USA, so we are empty-nesters. We do not have any grandchildren yet. My husband grew up in Japan, so this is home for him. By the time I finish these simple facts, my brain is tired! HA!

Japanese grammar is backwards from English. The verb is always at the end of the sentence. By the time I get to the verb, I often can’t remember what I was trying to say! I keep plugging away at the language. I have also learned to laugh at my mistakes, such as the time I said I bought my son instead of saying that my son would pay the bill. 😂

I have never considered myself a writer. I started to blog years ago as a way to keep family and friends informed with what we are doing. When help was requested for posting at In Her Shoes, I felt like the Lord would have me to volunteer.

On a more personal note of testimony…When my husband and I first married, I didn’t understand why we didn’t go to Japan. As a missionary kid, he knew the culture and the language. It seemed like it must be God’s will for us. My husband assured me that he would never be going back to Japan. One thing I have learned, never say never!

Fast forward several years and three children later, you can imagine my surprise when my husband began talking about going to Japan. Many women can tell of a calling to missions. Although I was willing to serve on the field, I can’t say that I ever experienced a calling of my own. I do believe that my place is with my husband, so his calling is also mine.

Before we moved to the city we are living in now, I asked the Lord to give me a verse that would keep me on the field when the going got tough. He answered that prayer with 2 Corinthians 5:15, “And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.” My life is not about me. It is about the One Who died for me. This verse has had such an impact on me, that I consider it a life verse and talk of it often.

If you would like to learn more about my life in Japan, you can visit me at Life in the 10/40 Window.


  1. Nice to "meet" you. So interesting that you didn't feel "called" to Japan, only your man, but were given a verse to claim. I was the same way. I told God I wanted a verse to "call" me to Georgia, Europe, so that when it got tough, I couldn't just blame my husband. God is faithful to provide. So thankful for His Word!

  2. Yes, it is nice to meet you. It's a lovely photo of you and your husband and an interesting story of how you came be on the mission field in Japan. God bless you in your outreach there.

  3. Nice to meet you! I like your story about learning the language. Although I am in a country that speaks English, there can still be interesting
    mistakes made that mean something totally different. I also loved reading about how God worked in your lives to bring you to Japan.


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