
Friday, March 23, 2018

The Weimer Family in Iceland

We arrived in Iceland in September 1999 right before the Y2K scare.  I was a new mom. Clayton was two, and William was eight months. Since we had been married only three years, we were really still green at this marriage thing. That is how we started. Newlyweds, new parents, in a new land with a new language wondering if the end of the modern age was soon to happen.

Fast forward almost 20 years. Clayton and William are adults now. Rosa, who was born later here in Iceland, is soon to graduate high school.  Patrick and I are "that old married couple" now. At least that´s what the teens and young adults tell us.  We know Icelandic now, thankfully, and love living as a family here.  

Patrick and I met at Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, FL.  We dated for all of three weeks before we knew we wanted to get married.  This picture of us is from this past summer. We were standing on a dormant volcano.  It was windy.  It is always windy here. 

Clayton was a toddler when we got to Iceland.  He has been a part of our ministry from the very beginning.  He is a mailman here saving money to pay for college Stateside in the fall and spring semesters.  This is a picture of him while helping his dad build something or other in the church building recently.  Construction is a constant for us. 

William was just a babe when we came.  He was our little Christmas miracle baby.  I contracted bacterial spinal meningitis while I was 8 months pregnant with him, but the Lord let us both live.  He, too, works as a mailman to pay for college which he is taking via on-line courses for now. He is double majoring in math education and missions.  

Rosa was born here.  Horses have always been her passion.  Icelandic horses are unique.   To buy her horse Brynjar and keep 
him fed, she works at a restaurant. When she is not learning, serving at the church, working, or caring for her horse, she is teaching children to ride horses. Rosa plans to study some form of equine therapy when she finishes high school.

Why did I mention my kids?  This is a team effort. Our ministry would look a lot different if not for them. I shared some non-ministry things that they do, but they are very involved in our church. Whether your life runs like a well-oiled machine, or your days tend to go sideways (like mine did today), please let me challenge you.  Make the time to invest in your children.  Pray for them every single day.  You won´t regret that.


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