Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Salsa is my family's favorite condiment! We could probably eat salsa for a meal! 

This is my grandma's canned salsa recipe. If you aren't a canner or don't have the equipment to can, don't let that turn you off to this recipe. 
You can still make this salsa, and freeze it. 

Combine ingredients and mix well. You may want to use a food processor if you don't like chunky salsa. 

Pour salsa into pint jars, and process for 55 minutes. 

If you don't can, you can still make this amazing salsa and freeze it. Just keep in mind that fresh tomatoes get a little funny when you freeze them, but canned tomatoes should do better. 

Combine all the ingredients except for the cilantro. Bring to a simmer in a big pot. Once salsa comes to a simmer, add cilantro, cool, and freeze in bags.

You can also just eat this fresh! Whenever my mom makes this salsa, my brothers and I sit at the table and eat the salsa by the spoonful! It's that amazing! 

I hope you enjoy this salsa! 
Let me know if you try this recipe, and if you made any changes, and what your thoughts are. 

For more pictures and videos, follow my Instagram page, Third Culture Cooking. 

Amber Wells 
Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬 

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