
Friday, August 9, 2013

Anniversary Giveaway #9 - Candy!

The gift is a collection of unique Japanese Kit Kats along with a bag of regular Kit Kat mini bars. These are made by Nestle in Japan and taste different than the ones in the US. Some like them better from Japan, others prefer the US variety. The others will come with a "key" so you know what you're tasting. Some of the flavors will include Chile Pepper, Cookies and Cream, Pear, Wasabi, Red Bean Sandwich, and of course - Green Tea. There will be at least 12 different varieties, maybe more depending upon what I can find between now and then.
This giveaway is being generously donated by a missionary wife in Japan.
Thanks, Lisa!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Anything chocolate! But if I had to choose, I think it would be Cookies and Cream.

  2. Love trying new things! I'd also love to share them with friends here...can't imagine what everybody would think of such wild flavors :)

  3. Ooh, hard to choose between Reese's pb cups and Butterfingers! Love them both so much! I know my hubby would be all over trying a Wasabi Kit Kat! Ha!

  4. Wow! I can't imagine a green tea flavored kit-kat! These sound so interesting!

  5. all time favorite would have to be peanut butter cups! But really...anything chocolate makes me smile. ;-)

  6. Either Butterfinger or Almond Joy/ Mounds. Yum. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Snickers. Thanks for the giveaway. I have never heard of flavored Kit Kats.

  8. Reece's Pieces or mini Reece's peanut butter cups

  9. Andes Mint chocolate or Three Muscateers!! Neither of them available here in Japan!

  10. Skor or Reese's peanut butter cups

  11. Butterfinger or Twix...hmmm, now that I stop to think about it they ALL sound good! :)


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