Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Homemade Syrup - With Video


The never ending battle of trying to make syrup that isn’t too sweet, doesn’t crystallize, isn’t the consistency of water, and actually tastes like something besides sugar water, is over! 

When we first came to Papua New Guinea, we had those same problems. But, we learned how to make syrup that everybody liked! Syrup that doesn’t crystallize, isn’t too sweet, is simple and easy to make, and tastes great! 

What you’ll need 

One cup sugar 
One cup water 
One tablespoon corn starch

In a tall pot, whisk ingredients together until corn starch is completely integrated. 
Keep on medium-high heat until syrup boils. 
If the syrup starts to boil over, just remove the pot from the heat for a second. 
Boil the syrup for one minute. 
Remove the syrup from the heat, and cool. 

Flavor syrup with mapleine, extracts, fruit juice, or cinnamon. 
Our favorite extracts are coconut and almond! 
For fruit juice we like to use lemon or orange juice. 
You can also flavor syrup with cinnamon or other spices like nutmeg. 

You can refrigerate the syrup for two to three weeks, depending on how often your power goes out! 

Enjoy on your pancakes, waffles, french toast, or use to sweeten your granola or yogurt.

Try this syrup on these pancakes! 

Amber Wells, Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬 


Joyful said...

That's wonderful! I'm sure you are very happy to finally land on the right mix for the syrup. It's so hard to buy certain things in some countries and also can be very expensive.

Amber Wells said...

Very true! We couldn’t even buy syrup until a couple of years ago! But we still make our own, we like the taste better. :)