Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Toffee and Heath Bars

Christmas Candy


This is so easy to make! Seriously! I was so surprised! If you don’t have corn syrup, don’t worry. A few weeks ago, Kayleigh put up a recipe for Corn Syrup, I’ll put the recipe down below. 
It is very important that you do not stir the ingredients while they boil. Just throw the ingredients in the pot, and turn on the heat. Do not stir or swirl at all. Clip on a candy thermometer to the pot, and once the syrup reaches 300°, turn off heat. Do not stir the syrup, just pour it out! 

Heath Bar

My mom used to make this every year when we were in America… apparently I used to help her… but I don’t remember this haha. This year I got to make it, and am definitely going to be making it again soon! I made one batch last night, and this morning there is not a single piece left! 
You will need one recipe of toffee, recipe above. 

I hope you enjoy these Heath Bar chunks!

Amber Wells
Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬

1 comment:

Joyful said...

They look absolutely delicious. After reading the ingredients I'm looking for the "health" part, lol. Thanks for sharing. I'd like to try one day.