Thursday, November 14, 2019

Simple Truths From Hannah in the Old Testament

1. Don't argue or speak back negatively when someone is provoking you. (1 Samuel 1:6-7) It's just as important to know when NOT to speak, as it is when/what to speak.

2. Pour your burdens out to the Lord. (1 Samuel 1: 10) Don't grab your hubby, or best friend, or sister and fill their ears with your problems. Pour out your heart to the Lord. He wants to hear from you!

3. Don't ask for something you want to selfishly consume. (1 Samuel 1:11) Hannah asked for a child to give back to the Lord. Many times we pray selfishly for things for ourselves when we ought to pray for things we can use for God.

4. Respond gently when falsely accused. (1 Samuel 1:13-16) Hannah's heart was already grieved when she went to the temple, and then Eli accuses her of being drunk. She could've told him to mind his own business, or answered him roughly, but she speaks in gentleness and with calm. Responding quickly in anger or defensiveness never helps.

5. Respect authority even when they are wrong. (1 Samuel 1:15, 18) Eli makes a mistake and jumps to conclusions, but Hannah still respected the fact that he was the priest, and the authority in the temple. She respects his position, calling him lord, and humbles herself, calling herself his servant. People in authority are human and make mistakes. Sometimes they need a little time to think through a situation. Responding respectfully allows the Lord time to work in the situation without things getting worse. The truth will be made known eventually. Even if it's never made right, the Lord sees your response.

6. Let the Lord heal you in prayer. (1 Samuel 1:18) Sharing our burdens with the Lord can heal us. It may not change the situation or circumstance, but it can change us. Hannah walked into the temple with a sorrowful spirit, and walked away with a countenance that was no longer sad. Spending time in prayer is always good for us!

7. Keep your promises. (1 Samuel 1:24-28) Hannah promised to give her son to the Lord, and she did. He was still a young child when she gave him to the service of the Lord. I am sure it was very hard for her to part with him, and only see him once a year, but she kept her promise. The Lord answered her prayer, and she kept her vow. Keeping our word is important!

8. Obedience is rewarded with unexpected blessings. (1 Samuel 2:20-21) Hannah didn't know if Samuel would be the only child she ever had. It had been a few years since he was born before she gave him to the Lord, and she hadn't been pregnant again. But the Lord blessed her obedience, and she had five other children after giving Samuel to the Lord. When we walk in obedience, we get unexpected blessings!