Thursday, November 7, 2019

Speed Bumps

Have you ever been driving and come upon a speed bump unexpectedly? Even in a residential area, depending on the height of the bump, it tosses everything in the car, driver and passengers included, around a bit. Sometimes a lot.

There is a speed bump I drive over several times a week as I pick up one of our Deaf ladies for Bible study. I know this bump is there, but if I am not paying attention, or I am chatting with my Deaf friend (we chat with our eyes, remember), I forget.

See, this speed bump is not marked with yellow paint, or white stripes, or even a sign warning me of its coming. It’s the exact same colour as the road. And most of the time it is hidden in the shadows by the trees growing along the side of that road.

Speed bumps are put on the road for a reason. They cause us to slow down and pay attention to our driving.

See, the people who put in the speed bumps didn’t do it to make drivers frustrated or angry. They weren’t meeting somewhere rubbing their evil hands together and wondering how many people’s days they could ruin by adding a speed bump to the road. And they weren’t planning to annoy me personally.

But did you know that’s sometimes how I feel? When I forget it’s there, or I take the flat road for granted, I hit that thing and immediately feel a shot of anger (and adrenaline!) as I sail over it. I worry if I damaged our truck, and I feel embarrassed that the people walking nearby probably think I’m a lousy driver. Not to mention those in my vehicle with me! I think to myself that I wish it were painted, or that there was a warning sign or SOMETHING letting me know it was coming. [Isn't it amazing how all of these thoughts bombard me in the span of a few seconds?]

But then I remember that I have driven this road many times, and I should have expected it. I know it’s there. It doesn’t move. And just because the sun isn’t shining directly on it doesn’t mean it’s gone.

I have found life to be very similar.

I can be driving along on smooth road, the sun is shining, I’ve been in the Word, I know where I'm going, enjoying the journey, and all of a sudden (seemingly out of nowhere) there’s a speed bump. A jolt that interrupts that peaceful journey and snaps me out of my bliss.

I am sure you can fill in that bump with life experiences you’ve had.

If I’m not careful, I can allow this speed bump to throw my entire day off track. Or maybe the annoyance lasts a week. Or a month. Or maybe I never get over the jostle from that bump.

God is like the road planners. He does not allow these things into our lives to toss us around with no purpose, or to ruin our day, week, or month. Sometimes we need to be forced to slow down and take stock of our surroundings and how we’re driving. Sometimes our bliss needs to be snapped so we can really see the road ahead of us.

And it’s in these moments that we see what’s inside of us.

We can be in the Word, but if it is not changing us, what good is it doing? Are we checking a box to appease God, or so we can say we read if someone asks us? Are we truly crying out to our God for others, or has our prayer life just become something we do? When we hit a speed bump, what’s inside gets jarred to the surface.

We should expect speed bumps. Jesus told us we would have tribulation (John 16:33). It should not surprise us when something comes along to bump and jostle us. (1 Peter 4:12-13)

And we may find that we can be thankful for them. They help us in a number of ways:
- They cause us to examine how we are driving. (1 Corinthians 3:10)
- They remind us that others are watching us drive. (Titus 2)
- They bring to the surface what is deep inside us. (Luke 6:45)
- They remind us to care for those riding with us. (2 Cor. 4:15-18)

Learning to be thankful for those speed bumps we face now helps us better face the next one that comes down the road. (Even if we hit it at full speed.)
Looks like smooth sailing ahead, right? 
Oops, look again! Speed bump! 

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