Monday, August 27, 2018

Saying Goodbyes

We said goodbyes to our friends and family when we left one year ago to attend language school in Costa Rica.  Our first year away from family, friends, and our church.  All new beginnings.  I shed a few tears here and there.  The night before we left, however, I cried when I hugged my family for the last time....hard.  Then, I walked into Steak n' Shake to meet some lifelong friends before leaving.  One of them looked at me and said, "Get in that bathroom and dry it up.  We are not crying like that in here."  So, I did.  I had a few moments of fun and laughter with those women.  Then, I got in my car and drove away.  And, I cried again....hard.  I didn't think I could cry anymore after that night.  And, I didn't.  We made it to the airport with both my parents and my husbands' parents to see us off.  No tears were shed (that day, anyway).  I was truly looking forward to what our year in language school would hold.

We arrived in Costa Rica never having lived abroad or knowing what we were getting ourselves into.  I had heard "goodbyes" were the hardest.  I told my 10-year-old son at the time to embrace every person God brings into our lives.  Love hard.  Hold onto them.  Even though we know it may only be temporary.  And, I'm so glad we did.

Our time in language school was amazing.  Yes, there were hard days; but I'm so thankful God allowed me to hold on fast and hard to the people He brought into my life during that year, knowing I may never see them again this side of Heaven (except for Facebook.  Yay for technology!)  God has given us a bond that is unlike any other.   We have laughed with them, cried with them, explored countries with them, played a ton of games with them (much to my husband's dismay at times), and just shared life with them.  I knew the goodbyes were coming, but I didn't realize they would be just as hard as the ones were when we left for language school.

Our Graduating Class
We have grown to love our fellow students, neighbors, and church members. We had grown to love Costa Rica.  We had grown to love the life we lived there--tranquilo!  So, that last week of school, I held it in.  I held back the tears, even during graduation when they played our memory video.  During our graduation get-together that night, I was doing okay.  Do you want to know what brought on the tears?  A game I played with some of the women at the party.  I started tearing up as I watched my children playing with their friends, knowing the goodbyes were coming.  And, then it hit.  I hugged the last person, and the floodgates opened.  I cried all the way home....hard.  I cried over the life I would leave behind....again.  Dropping in to someone's house unannounced and hanging out--and having people drop by mine.  Playing games.  Drinking coffee.  A simple life. A wonderful community.  A common bond. 

Our return to the United States for a quick update to our churches and visits with family, supporters, and friends was a rough landing for me.  Re-entry was not what I had all.  And, honestly, I didn't handle it well.  But, when my children saw their "pop pop" waiting to pick us up with Krispy Kreme donuts in hand, I knew all would be well. 

It has been a crazy first week back, and it will be a packed seven weeks total.  The "goodbyes" were so hard, but how the "hellos" have been so good.  We are thankful for both.  "Hellos" and "Goodbyes" mean God is bringing people along our path to walk beside us on this journey, some for a moment and others for a lifetime.  I pray I continue to "love hard" on every single person and thank God for how He uses each of them in my life for however long He allows them to be in it.

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