Monday, April 8, 2019

Redeeming the Moments

"See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16

I have struggled, REALLY struggled, to put our family on a schedule. Before meeting my wonderful husband, I was a highly stressed A-type personality: I had all my ducks in a row, a place and plan for everything, and everything in its place. Then, quite literally, I fell in love, moved across the country, lived out of a car, eventually landing in a foreign country. Don't get me wrong: I'm not bitter in the least. By the contrary, I have loved it. However, my scheduled life seems to have fallen through the water grate in the street, never to return. We have a rough routine, mostly due to the fact that our oldest is going to language school (preschool!), but a schedule, not at all.

So, what to do? I work hard to use moments of my day to grow in Christ, and have written about this before. But it is so easy to let the day go by without really thinking about it. The boys keep me busy, language study keeps me in the books, household duties can be done robotically. In the same way that I have to be intentional about growing in Christ moment by moment, so I have to be with other relationships. The days are evil. Christ will soon return. I MUST redeem the time.

One of the hardest things about living away from home, wherever that is, is the lack of support groups to help with dates, counseling, and well, support. So, we work with what we have, using moments to build on our relationship with each other.
So we can't go on a date. We CAN:

  • If we get up at different times (which is often) we make sure to catch the other spouse to say "Good morning."
  • Sit next to each other on the couch. We tell the kids, "Momma and daddy are sitting together right now, you'll have to sit somewhere else."
  • Take a "nap time" when the kids do and just enjoy extra snuggles. I'm often too tired in the evening, so this works better.
  • Snatch that moment when we bump into each other for a quick kiss or hug or "I love you."
  • When he opens the car door for me, we take a moment to kiss and whisper. -The kids are already buckled in and aren't going anywhere.
  • Text/call/message each other. Even if we're both in the house all day, it brings a smile to get a message from the one we love.
  • Let the kids play a few extra minutes outside or at our landlady's house (adopted grandma) while we sit to eat a quick lunch or dinner without them.

My oldest is at school most of the day, so I feel it is more difficult to invest in him. Here's how I'm learning to take advantage of the time we DO have:

  • Ask him about his school day. Discuss his choices and how he can do better, if needed, or how proud I am of him.
  • Have an activity to do with him at home, whether a puzzle, game, or playing with his toys together.
  • Listen to what he's saying/learning about life.
  • Read a "new" book.

I am constantly busy with the littles at home, but am I investing? I'm learning to live in the moment, for the future by doing this:

  • Take an extra moment to play with them -I'm getting better at building train tracks!
  • Hold them on my lap, when possible, while I study or work around the house.
  • Involve them in household chores.
  • Talk about what the Bible stories and songs mean, and not just read/sing them.
Above all, I'm learning to enjoy the moments. To think about the moments. To think how I can live this moment for the cause of eternity.

1 comment:

Joyful said...

Redeeming the time and trying to use it well as God desires. These are good thoughts. You and I have very different lives but these are also my goals. God bless you as you continue to live for him.