Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday's Wonderings...

Please Share some tips on how to make Homeschooling on the Field enjoyable for your children.

1 comment:

Lou Ann Keiser said...

Not every day was thrilling for our kids, of course, but we tried to make it as relaxed and fun as possible. Our son did high school kind of horizontally, on the couch, unless he was writing something. I think a lot of the kids' fun education was our travel each year. We would go to a different place, not usually more than a country away, and we did chosen tourist travel, mostly by camping and eating lots of sandwiches. We saw most of France, Spain, and visited other European countries as a family and with others. They studied French in school, so they could use what they knew on our trips in France. I think these trips greatly contributed to our kids' home education.