Wednesday, May 25, 2016

VBS Program (Science Theme) "Laboratory of Fun" - Daily Themes and Lessons

Now that we have discussed the planning stages of a Vacation Bible School program, I wanted to share what I believe was one of our favorite (if the kids could vote) VBS themes from 2013. I had been looking over different ways to incorporate science experiments into our VBS program as a way to really get the kids' attention and help them "see" the Bible lessons we are trying to teach them. Using these Bible stories along with the experiments from Mad About Jesus, was a great success! These experiments are a lot of work to gather and prepare for each day but they add so much to your program and the looks on the kids' faces definitely are only one reason they are more than worth it!

Theme for the Week: Laboratory of Fun
Goal: To use science experiments as visual reinforcement to the daily Bible lessons.

First you will need a Professor to do the daily experiments.

We asked a lady who attended our services if she would be our Professor and perform the science experiments each day. Please meet "Mrs.'Pipetkina' - (taken from the word 'pipette') 
It was a great experience for her to help out and gain this experience. She and I spent much time together praying for each lesson as we gathered together daily over several days to translate the experiments into Russian. Each day I stood by her to help in case she needed something and to hold up verses which we had printed out that went along with the experiment.

Day 1: Theme: Sin separates us from God but by accepting Him as our personal Savior we can receive forgiveness of our sins. 
Story: Samaritan woman at the well
Verses: John 4:1-30, 39-42
Science Experiment:  - Object Lesson 1: "One Sin"

Day 2: Theme: We are saved by faith, not our good works.
Story: Pharisee and the Publican 
Verses: Luke 18:9-14

Day 3: Theme: Through Christ we can do all things.
Story: Peter walks on the water
Verses: Matthew 14:22-33
Science Experiment: Object Lesson 12: "Leap of Faith"

 THIS was a lot of work but a HUGE hit with the kids!
Even some of the adults wanted to "walk on the water".

Day 4: Theme:He will strengthen us if we ask Him in prayer.
Story: David and Goliath
Verses: I Kings 17
Science Experiment: Object Lesson 2: "Even Little People Can Do Big Things"


But, I will take this time to show you an amazing photo booth another missionary painted for our special VBS week. Isn't it awesome!?

Day 5: Theme: Christ died for us because He loves us.

Story: Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch - 

Verses: Acts 8:26-40

 This was the greatest object lesson of the week which made it perfect for the final day's experiment. A great illustration that had passersby stopping to watch to see what happened.

We pray this post is a help and encouragement to you as you prepare for upcomingVBS programs in your area of the world. We would love to hear from you if you use any of these ideas.

Please feel free to leave any questions in the comments!

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